Goemon moved easily through the crowded dining room. Dresses of vibrant colors swirled about him, suits of rich fabrics lending contrast to the dizzying display. It was a room of wealth, filled with excitable patrons of luxury. The very air hummed with western decadence and celebration, so alien to the sharp-dressed japanese man, and yet familiar enough to bring a small smile to his lips. It was just like his old playgrounds, back home. Nodding, smiling and greeting with deft politesse, he forged a weaving path throughout the dining room. He didn't strive to draw attention to himself, didn't aim to do more than leave pleasant thoughts and vague memories of himself in his passing. There was no need for a scene, no need to be recognized, he simply needed them to let him pass. And let him they did, smiling and nodding and greeting in turn. The whole ordeal was over with more swiftly than he could have hoped, the lean, cleanshaven man arriving at the desired table shortly after it's occupants had made themselves comfortable. "Pardon me, is there a place... open?" Accented though it was, Goemon's mouth spoke the foreign language with easy confidence. His brown, nearly black eyes settled calmly upon the young lady before him as he dipped a polite bow, gaze knowing who she was, that there was no accident he was here. "Apologies, but I was unable to find... [i]recruitment[/i]? For table?" Lips pulled together in a slight frown at the words, the gesture never reaching his eyes. "That is not word I want, is it?"