[quote=Raye_Odenu] Character Template: Name: [Character’s Name] | Age: [age] | FC: [Face] | Availability: Open/Closed [extra information - e.g. special powers, species, etc.] [extra information - e.g. special powers, species, etc.] [extra information - e.g. special powers, species, etc.] Past:[Two to four long paragraphs about the character’s background, including where, when and he/she grew up and what his/her childhood was like; in general, what made him/her who he/she is today. Try to write this section like a story, rather than a textbook.] Personality:[Two to four long paragraphs about the character’s personality, including their likes and dislikes, how they feel about those around them, how they feel about themselves, their favourite pastimes, etc. Try to write this section like a story, rather than a textbook.] [/quote] Okay, first of all, I gotta follow Parser's lead here and ask: what do we do with the mechs? Is that a different template that'll be coming later, do we get to make our own, what's the level of machine customization and creative freedom that we'll have? You make every mech a Gundam, why not make them mobile suits, since Gundams are supposed to be a special kind of mobile suit with high performance specs and story value? Would ACs be a thing or is the AC bit just the chunks of the setting regarding the Kojima Particles and the multiple opposing organizations? Next is the Kojima Particles. Do they do the same as Minovsky Particles, as in, do they fuck with all kinds equipment and justify having close range encounters instead of blasting everything from extremely long ranges? Finally I just kind of...don't get the CS. What do you mean by Face, do want a picture of the characters' faces? I have no idea what avaiability means either. And for the extra information, I assume that's 3 slots for special skills per character?