Jim looked out the window of his trailer, the sun was setting over the fair grounds and soon the general public would be allowed to enter. He exited his trailer quietly, to not disturb the rest of the members of his little band of Mages. They had been traveling for the majority of the day, so the may very well be resting, or doing their own preparations for their own evenings. A light breeze blew through the fair grounds, helping to combat the heat and spread the aroma of all the unhealthy foods the fair had to offer. [i]If I don't get a funnel cake out of all this, something will be seriously wrong[/i] Jim thought to himself. Soon he arrived to the area near the back of the grounds that had been allotted to The Troupe and began the task of setting up shop. First he had to hide the area from the prying eyes of mortals, the grounds were empty enough, but it never hurt to be cautious. With a few simple incantations Jim altered the area surrounding himself, if someone were to look they would see a few mean hastily assembling a large center tent, as well as two side tents for fortune telling and herb shop/medium. In reality Jim was more than prepared to do all of this himself. He walked up to the area where the large tent would sit, and grabbed the open air. Soon a small rush of air could be heard, what appeared to be a "rip" opened up by Jim's hands. Suddenly, a large tent with a stage unfolded from the rip and landed on the group with a dull thump. Jim stepped into the tent and admired his handiwork. All the chairs were arranged into neat rows, with a space down the middle for people to enter and exit. The stage was large enough to house any idea one of the performers might cook up, and could support the weight of at least two African elephants (Jim tried three one, didn't go well). Stepping outside Jim removed the top hat that always adorned his head, and reached inside. With a little effort he pulled out two smaller tents and placed them to either side of the entrance of the main stage. These are where Victoria and Monty could do small side acts before the main event began. With the tents set up Jim headed to the rows of vendors and games, to maybe to a few tricks to get people interested in the show. Oh, and to get his funnel cake.