[b][center]WARNING[/center] AS OF NOW, IF YOU DID NOT ROLE PLAY IN THE MYTHICAL SCHOOL OF FEY, THEN YOU CANNOT BE IN THIS ROLE PLAY![/b] Sorry! D: It'll change later on! [hider=Story Line] You wake up to the sound of the bell. How did this day come so fast? It seems like only yesterday you applied to this school, but now it's time to go on with life. You'd better get up and get ready. It's the last day of school, and this isn't any ordinary one.[/hider] [hider=Rules] 1)No being OP 2)No "Bunnying" 3)Romance IS allowed, but please keep it PG-13!!! If it's anymore than PG-13, then fade to black. 4)No Mary/Gary Sue's. 5) Your application MUST be accepted in order for you to role play! 6)Have fun. 7)Don't be an idiot or a jerk 8)TEMPORARY RULE:You cannot role play in this role play if you have not been in The Mythical School of Fey roleplay(s) [/hider] [hider=Application(Yes you have to resubmit it again!)] Name: Age(human years): Creature: Description (An image is STRONGLY encouraged): Quote(something your character would say): Characteristics: Relationship: Are you living/planning to live with someone?(Character name): Where will/do you work?(You can say nowhere as of now): [/hider] [hider=Map Description] [center]The Town of Fey[/center] The Town of Fey is simple, as it has everything a small town would have: a Pizza and Ice Cream shop, a Fire Station, Police Station, Hospital, Mall, Restaurants, a Library, a Movie Theater, an Arcade, a Park and two separate clubs, one for teenagers(12-16) and one for adults(17+). The one for teenagers and it is connected to the Arcade.And of course, there are also houses. [center]Houses[/center] The houses are all in the center of the town. To describe this, think the town as the shape of a very colossal square. On the outside of the square, we have the shops, restaurants, the school, the library, all that stuff. Now imagine a smaller square. That smaller square has houses. But there are A LOT. In the middle of the square of houses is a park. [/hider]