"Yes," Aleks replied, not taking his eyes away from Lilith, "You are quite unique. Exactly the thing that attracts me to you." A sly smile appeared on his face as he finished the sentence, deliberately leaving its sincerity up for debate. As he opened his mouth to answer Lilith's question, the old woman approached their table, handing Aleks a cup of tea - free of charge. He nodded with appreciation for both the tea and the compliment. Unlike Lilith, he was not going to bark every single time someone touched him. The thought almost made him laugh. "Thank you, I appreciate the tea,” He replied, keeping his composure, “You are too kind." Aleks finished the sentence by returning the kind smile. Now that he had a drink in front of him, he took his time replying - rather focusing on adding just enough sugar to it. Just by noticing the scent, he was sure it was a black tea - vanilla maybe - which meant that he would need to add a tad bit more sugar than usually. He was overly methodical with his drink, more to test Lilith's patience than anything else. "[i]How do you react when a man gives his drink more attention than you?[/i]" Aleks wondered as a small smirk appeared on the edges of his mouth. Today was, more or less, a good day and he was not afraid to show that he was in an appropriate mood. Aleks was not doing anything wrong by not cutting straight to business right from the start, especially with the old lady giving them much of her attention. Neither one of them will be able to openly say anything directly connected to the crime here. So, until they move away, he was able to take it easy. Maybe even throw Lily a bone considering his little meeting today. "Today went better than expected," He began, "I had quite a productive meeting with one of the potential clients. I have to say that he should be a perfect match." He pretended as if he was going to whisper, although he did not really lower his voice enough for it to be anywhere near it. "And I arranged a little surprise for my sweet companion." He winked at Lilith, before his gaze turned just a bit more serious than before. "Say, how come you don't have my briefcase here with you?" He was quite interested in how much of a skilled talker she was. One could say he was testing her ability to come up with decent answer, in a non-discriminating manner, on the spot. And he found teasing her quite amusing.