The vessel jerked as it hit turbulence. A suitcase fell off the stack and smacked Daryna in the back of the head. "Ow," she cried loudly. The Drell had stowed away on a transport headed to Cartagena Station. She had usually allowed herself to fly first class, but she was feeling the pressure of Siame these past few days. They were everywhere, in every shadow. If they could get to her parents, how couldn't they find her? The news of her mother's death and father's imprisonment hit her like a speeding thresher maul. Daryna had to check, doublecheck, and eventually travel back to Illium to make sure that it wasn't a false memory. After she knew the truth, Daryna didn't really remember what happened. Her life was plagued by false memories and encroaching depression. What she did work out was that she ended up on Dekuuna, the Elcor homeworld, and she found herself in the Great Barrier Reef of Australia, on Earth, on account of the extra items she found in her luggage. She was fairly sure that she could consider the time she scaled the walls of the Citadel's presidium a false memory. It took a few days to get everything sorted out, but when Daryna finally managed she looked into Siame. She spent most of the money she had saved hiring people to look into their operation, trying to figure out where they took Khel Galdor. Somewhere along the way Daryna must have gathered the attention of other people looking to bring down Siame, as she got the call to Cartagena shortly after. After the turbulence settled down, Daryna heard footsteps in a nearby aisle. "Who's there?" A deep voice called out. Daryna waited, still rubbing her head. "I heard you, ya filthy stowaway! Come out!" Daryna watched as a hunched over Batarian man came around the corner. "Ah ha! I got you!" Daryna rolled her eyes and in one fluid motion the Batarian slammed his head into the nearest shelf. He'd hurt, but wouldn't have any serious injury. Probably. Besides, the vessel was already landing. A few minutes after the passengers unloaded, Daryna slipped off. For good measure, she alerted the guards that a certain Batarian attendant might need medical assistance down in the cargo hold. Daryna was mesmerized by Cartagena. She hadn't been in a place so dangerous, wild and free since she traveled with Khel Jarr... and she loved it. She spent some time aimlessly wandering around, visiting the bazaars and trying different foods. Eventually she remembered why she was there in the first place, and realized she was probably late. She ran to the Cartagena Inn, slipping in just moments before Tara and Kosso arrived. She was drinking an unknown neon green beverage with a silly straw, had a glowstick necklace on and cartoonishly large sunglasses on her face, but she got there in time. When she saw Kosso and Tanya, as well as the other guests, she felt sheepish and out of place. She slowly took off her glasses and put her drink on the floor. She sat up straight and tried to look professional.