Shadows of the Past; a roleplay based on the Warcraft fantasy universe; is currently looking for fresh meat. However, we are using a slightly earlier version of the universe, meaning that for those of you familiar with the Warcraft universe, lore beyond early Cataclysm is not used. The current plot is taking place in Stormwind, a large city of 20.000 + inhabitants with a late medieval slash early western European Renaissance theme. Climate is about the same as Paris in France. For those of you who are interested and want further details, here is a link to a wiki: Link to the actual thread in Advanced Forum: Current members = main characters - Sinerathin = Sherraine Daerin'Lei(known as Sherpa to most) High Elf second generation Death Knight, Sharon Daerin'Lei High Elf Mage - Feychild = Liaena Rune, Human Apothecary - Rithy = Rithrynn Syn'Dial, Night Elf Huntress Shadows of the Past is an ongoing Roleplay that has lasted for years, and we have had multiple members. We have at the core 3 central player, me, Rithy and Feychild, but we are seeking to add more diversity and welcome new players into the Roleplay. It is mainly an Action Comedy, which is the main genre of the roleplay, with possible minor elements of drama, tragedy & erotica. Characters that wish to join may expect to be: Beaten, poisoned, maimed, possessed, cursed, crushed, eaten, dissolved, blown up, traumatized, lacerated, decapitated, spontaenously combusted, flayed, stabbed, impaled, beheaded, infected, diseased, shrunk, chased, violated, abused, offended, shot, disintegrated, murdered or hurt in any other way, shape or form, both physically and mentally. Safety is not guaranteed. Summary of the plot: Sharon, a rich denizen of Stormwind, has come under attack from unknown assailants, whom were later revealed to have been sent by his brother and own family, Sherpa, an ex-Death Knight who once served the Lich King, who wants him dead. Aided by his lover, Liaena, and friend, Rithrynn, Sharon sets out to fight back against his brother to stop him. But Sherpa hides in the shadows, and the two brothers are embroiled in a shadow war of deception and trickery. Sherpa has gathered many resources following his successful raids in the previous roleplay, and have used his funds to establish a secret organization/cult of corrupt merchants, officials, assassins as well as some of his old, dark allies from the Scourge. Sharon on the other hand has hesitantly enlisted the aid of Rithrynn's own warband who happened to be in the city in exchange for free food and shelter, as he was unwilling to pay for any real mercenaries. This has gained him a large but somewhat unreliable band of professional warriors and expert hunters who sees to his protection, but also cause a lot of problems as they have a hard time fitting into another cultural setting, with cultural incidents ensuing. As of now, following clues obtained through interrogation of a captured assassin, Sharon and his party of Rithrynn, Liaena, as well as five other Night Elves and their Captain has arrived at an Inn in the Old District of Stormwind to look for further clues in their search for his fallen brother. A skirmish broke out in the street as they approached the Inn, where they were assailed by a band of thugs. After defeating them, they proceeded to search the Inn, hoping to find any clues that might lead them to their goal; to shut down Sherpa's operations, and possibly end his life. If you have any further questions, you are free to ask them here, or in the OOC of our original thread. I'm sorry to say that most of our writing was lost when the forum was reset, so there is nothing wrong if you have any questions. If you are interested, feel free to leave a comment below, or even a suggested character sheet, as well as any questions that you may have. We are searching players with a relaxed attitude who are looking for a fun roleplay, who can generally post at least once every one or second day, and stick around. We've been around for years, so we hope we can keep you for a while :) About character creation: You are not dictated by the classes from the game itself when making a character. You can have your character be whatever you want him or her to be within the realm of plausibility, whether it be a merchant or even chef. In fact, you do not need to think about class at all. Just come up with a character you think is great. "Class" is merely a shoddy attempt at categorizing, after all :) Recommended races that are relatively easy to implement: Humans. Gnomes. Dwarves. Draenei. But you can pick any other race from the universe that you'd like if you're able to come up with a solid justification for doing so. We can also come up with suggestions and ideas if you are unsure what to pick or what you think would suit your style the best.