[B]"[I]Neko-chan?![/I]"[/B] Hayleigh dropped her jaw at the newcomer, following Koichi's casual observation. Yet another animal-thingy, but this fellow looked eerie as fuck! This was all making her rather flustered. Being that they were all apparently in danger was making all this worse, too. These were feelings and.. well, happenings you just couldn't dream up! It was hard to accept, but Hayleigh continued on, striding behind the only one she trusted absolutely 100% at the moment - her brother, Arthur. His eyes were flicking around the group as they spoke, but they rested the longest on the ones who'd called themselves Connor and Adam. Police, ...so they were distant allies to him. He wondered if the older one knew him, but it was unlikely. Arthur tipped the law enforcement off wherever he could, always made sure to leave the scene or observe from somewhere nice and out of the way. It was doubtful they had anything on him, so he gave up that suspicion and focused on his sister, who was following behind him. "Relax. If somebody wanted to end us all, they would've done it by now." Arthur murmured, causing the brunette to slow in her pace and calm a little. (This took way too long and is way too small. FORGIVE ME! *Prepares to commit seppuku*)