[center][img]http://cdn.gaijinpot.com/wp-content/uploads/2010/08/tokyogenso_14_large.jpg[/img][/center] [center]The world has changed. A few years ago, on a day forever known to survivors as "The Final Judgement of Humankind", all but less than 1% of the human population of earth died. No one quite knows why it happened, some think aliens, others think a mysterious disease, and others think of it as an act of god. In the years since human's mark on the world had fallen into disarray. Mother Nature claimed what was rightfully hers, cities became overgrown and the wildlife that once lived there reclaimed their spaces, humans were back in the food chain, falling prey to the predators that were once regarded as harmless. Looting still runs rampant in cities, becoming routine. Murder is just another way to survive. What happens to the survival of the species still remains to be seen.[/center] ---- Two people walk down a seemingly deserted street, quietly talking to each other. One of them, a woman with long black hair that had been died green. She has carries a bag over her shoulder and a machete in her hand. Every once in a while she swings it to clear away the brush. The other, a man with short blonde hair mostly covered by a baseball cap, over one shoulder is a green backpack, and in the opposite hand he holds a baseball bat. He has a lit cigarette in his mouth, drawing a puff every once in a while between sentences. "You know Nat, I think there might be a convenience store up ahead." He says to the woman known as Natalie. "I don't think there's really anything we can find there worth our time Noe." Natalie says as she weaves her way around an abandoned car in the street. "There could be food..." Noe takes a pause to draw from his cigarette. "Or smokes..." "Fine," Natalie says in reply, visibly annoyed. "We're in and out in five minutes." The two continue to trudge along the overgrown street, until finding themselves in the sight line of the store. Noe smiles goofily at Natalie after taking one last puff from the cigarette and tossing it to the ground, hoping for some sort of reaction from her as they find themselves getting closer to the store.