[b]“Perhaps, or maybe no going into strange abandoned houses unless accompanied by a valiant knight”[/b] He pointed out to her with a small smile. Emi chuckled and nodded her head. Indeed, a valiant knight. [b]“...person even”[/b] He added quickly, procuring a puff of Emi's cheeks. She'd rather he be her valiant knight. The thought of it gave her ideas to draw. [b]“So are you a painter then?”[/b] He asked curiously. She paused for a moment before looking up at him with another warm smile. [b]"Painter... Photographer... Sculptor... Let's just say I'm an artist."[/b] She told him, a wide smile forming on her face, a playful expression. She watched as he stood, standing a few inches above her. She was 5'4 so he was quite a bit taller than her. She put out her hands as he started to wobble, his balance shaky at best. She watched him with worried eyes as he told her he was okay and thanked her. [b]"I'll take you back to my house and look at you. I think you might be bleeding..."[/b] She told him, looking at a cut on his forehead. In response to her question about his phone, he replied, [b]“Oh! No, no that won’t be necessary I think it was insured anyway for just an occasion...I wrote it in myself, ‘To be replaced in the likely event that I save a beautiful damsel from an angry homeless man and break my phone in process’ I put it in the small print”[/b] A small chuckle again escaped the brunette's lips. He was interesting and... worth keeping around. Well, that was what she felt anyway. More than not, she made the wrong choices but something about this... She didn't care if it was a mistake, it was a mistake she was willing to risk. After all, what was wrong with wanting to be around someone that made you smile for once in your life? It'd been so long since anyone other than her mother had been able to put a smile on her face. [b]“I’m Theodore, Teddy for short”[/b] He smiled at her. [b]“It’s a pleasure to meet you Emi."[/b] With this, he made a small curtsy that only made him worse as he clutched at the desk. Again, another giggle from Emi's mouth. [b]"That's a cute name, Teddy. I like it."[/b] She told him, her voice soft and melodic. [b]"If you give me a moment, I'll get my stuff and take you to my house. If I remember correctly, I may have something that could fix your glasses at least for the time being."[/b] She told him, watching him for a response. She chuckled at his words. She could tell he had a way with them and that he cared for words deeply, in the same way that she might care for a beautiful and once in a life time sunset. She saw every sunset as priceless because you'd never see the same one twice and if you weren't looking for it, you'd miss it. Maybe this was a sunset... Something she just needed to enjoy...