Rather than a closed space like the Compound of Eyes, full of frenetic, almost psychedelic action, Clotho and her constructs now met on a crude structure crafted from hive material and a large, leafy branch into a balcony. Though this place's position about halfway up the King of the Forest afforded it a decent view of the surrounding area both above and below, it lacked any semblance of fresh air or warm sunlight. The air around the King Tree had grown thicker, suffused by new gases produced by the strange organisms living on and within the wood, reflecting the corruption of the jungle colossus into the lair of the Swarm Keeper. Clotho had found there was no keener satisfaction than casting her influence over the world around her. Only an hour had passed since she had ruminated on the defeat of her raiding party in Virens, but that time had not been spent idly. "Our foe knows of us and our intentions," she addressed Invicta and Baudrii without turning around, instead watching a group of Myrmidons sparring one another on the forest floor hundreds of feet below. "They are led by a heroine. The last foray from Virens to make it here never returned to tell the tale, but I do not doubt that the Biomancers will find me again." The sigil of their power -the viridian amber- was, after all, part of her now. "If this hero, this bold paragon, chooses to engage me, I can think of no greater pleasure than changing her into a monster as well. This time they won't send two dozen men on a rescue mission. We must be prepared." Finally, Clotho turned and faced her constructs. Her resolve was evident on her features, and the readiness to obey evident on her commanders'. She still found it interesting that Baudrii, having parted his fearsome carapace armet like a knight's visor, still had very human features beneath. Humanity beneath the insect shell was, however, a trait they did not share. "Still, we must not let any assault distract us from our purpose. While we defend ourselves, Virens will send out for reinforcement and warn others. They will find new supply lines and organize their defenses. To allow that to happen would be a tactical atrocity." With a [i]chik[/i] her stinger extended, a pinkish fluid seeping slowly from its tip. "The new alchemist hasn't been very helpful, but his apprentice certainly knows how to curry favor. She's twice as clever as her doddering old master, who seems somewhat mentally scarred by recent events. Regardless, my growth hormone has been somewhat improved, and after allowing it to be absorbed into the spawning chambers the rate at which my children hatch and grow will be increased to acceptable levels. I will also begin work on a third species, more versatile than the last two, and hopefully finish before any marauders arrive. You, Invicta, will first oversee the introduction of the hormones to both the Myrmidon Nest and the Antlion Colony before organizing the defense. If the Myrmidons are doing as instructed, this should already be complete. Baudrii, you will both keep anyone from disturbing me in my Heart and take charge of communications. If the alarm is raised, coordinate with Invicta to drive them off." "That is all. Understood?" Clotho's wings perked up and resumed their rapid beating, and after her Constructs voiced their assent, she was off. Hastily she entered her Heart chamber and climbed into her newly-reformed Cocoon, where she drifted into the dreamlike state where she brought her plans to life. [hider=Status] New creature: 0/8 Location: Dungeon Dungeon: Jungle north of Saploya River, N16°W12° An nearly complete, vast hive spanning the length, width, and height of a massive, ancient tree in the jungle. The hive itself is constructed of a magically-created liquid that expands and hardens into a stiff, paperlike substance upon exposure to air. The main body of the hive is suspended by countless support struts that reach for hundreds of feet in every direction. The Dungeon Heart is situated at the very top of the tree. Bugs called Macula infest it, functioning as living security cameras and alarms. Currently has: Dungeon Heart, Myrmidon Spawner. Living Foundry, Apothecary, Macula infestation, Compound of Eyes Forces: 27 Drone Imps, 95 Myrmidons, Myrmidon Construct Invicta, 34 Antlions, Adjunct Baudrii, alchemist Rammel Vitreus, alchemical assistant Kayla Oakhurst [/hider]