"Go." is the only command Remi uttered. She dropped off of the hornet as the clones above her all cried out, "Wild Water Wave!" Five massive waves of water came crashing as one tidal wave across a large section of the forest. She watched the tidal wave stretch out to create a large "Lake" area, dozens upon dozens of shinoni were trapped or outright crushed by the weight of the water. Remi landed a few seconds after the water did, almost as if she were a feather. Her looked around at the fallen trees and bodies that were suspended in the chakra created water. The jonin made another handsign and said, "Lightning Release Armor." Lightning chakra sparked around her before it engulfed her body with lightning. Unfortunately for the shinoni stuck in the water, her lightning electrified the water due to her feet's contact with the water. Bodies began to float to the top of the water ominously, even as her clones followed her to the ground. Remi looked from clone to clone before she smirked, and released their holds on the water. The electrified water rushed through the forests like a raging river, engulfing more and more mercenaries. One by one, her clones disappeared as did the water, until she stood alone on dry land, surrounded by bodies. "Alright. Now the fun begins, yes?" she asked before she dashed off to blindside another group of mercenaries with her nintaijutsu.