Doctor Howitzer was easily one of the smartest people to grace the planet, but all of that knowledge came with a price; his sanity. The man had allowed his work to consume him, and he became obsessed with furthering the human race with genetic modifications. Through the years, he created a large multitude of beings that he called Products, which are essentially beings that closely resemble humans, but are different in several aspects. For each Product, the modifications are different, ranging from enhanced brain power to impossible reflexes. Howitzer took pride in one of his more recent Product Series, known to him as Project ABLE. They were his best creations, but they were too free thinking, and did not always follow his commands. After several attempts to pull the Products together, he abandoned the series together and left the Products of Project ABLE to die. He knew that they would die eventually, as they had no way of getting Sustenance; their prime source of energy that allows them to use the enhancements that they are given. With few of the Products left, they remaining few must band together to find a way to survive in a world they know nothing about.