[quote=Raye_Odenu] This is a narrative not an rpg tabletop for that you go on roll20 for that. If you are going to complain about not having a CS I want to know what you want to be i want to know the story around your character. Nothing more or less. And Kojima Particles are nothing like Minovsky particles. Combat will be light at first because one. There is not a war yet. So quit expecting to be hotshot MS/AC pilots. If all of the people are like that then this is mute. Interactions with characters is key because it decides how the narrative plays out. If you have a problem with that I am sorry but I am not GMing, I do that enough for the SW campaign. [/quote] Narratives and tabletop RPGs are not mutually exclusive, far from it. A tabletop with no narrative is as pointless as just throwing dice and seeing who gets the larger number over and over again. Kind of like how you can just write stories if you want narrative without a system, because otherwise it's just a "make stuff up" contest between multiple people. This is a forum for roleplaying games after all, bio formats and following certain rules is still encouraged and expected even if it's ostensibly freeform otherwise. You didn't answer my questions about the CS or the several questions posed to you about how the mechs, a big part of the setting, will be done. Kojima Particles are very much like Minovsky Particles, a plot device energy source that allows for the setting's technology to function and create undesirable effects in high concentrations. In UC Gundam they also serve to justify much of the combat methods used, since their interference with basically everything but the most basic systems makes close quarters combat viable once more. I asked if Kojima Particles did the same in your setting precisely to try and understand how combat is conducted and because you can easily fuse the properties of both. Next, you say to not expect to be hotshot pilots. Isn't that kind of the point of a mecha roleplay, especially one based around Gundam and AC, controlling the giant robots in combat? Being combat pilots and character interaction are not mutually exclusive either, in fact combat can help bring about much interaction between characters, create rivalries and friendships, bring about character development as they win and lose and experience war. But hey, since you don't want to GM I'll just leave you to your "narrative". This sounds like it'd go better in the Free Roleplay forum, though.