It was really fun x) The kids were all really great. They were all wide-eyed and quite around me when I first came to the day care to start leading art activities, and were watching me with nervous grins, like they weren't quite sure how to behave around me xD I guess it was because I seemed to be sort of in charge, but not really an old person either, like the other day care teachers xD They were probably thinking "what can we get away with around you?" haha xD A lot of the little ones would give me a coloring book page to color and then when I was finished they would ask breathlessly if they could take it home with them XD and then some other kid would see me give it to them and they would want one too x) it was soooo cute. The biggest triumph was when some of the boys didn't want to do origami with us - so I made a paper ninja star and threw it at one of them and suddenly they were all dying to make one too x) I really did enjoy it! Woah that's pretty awesome! Does that mean you get free gym access then?? Luckily the ref usually catches on if too much diving is going on in a match. But it's been happening a lot in the World Cup and it's always hilarious when the commentators start to get pissed off about it XD There are some funny video on youtube too of the best World Cup Fifa dives and it's just montages of these huge soccer players pretending to have just been [i]thrown to the ground[/i] by the opposite team, in the most dramatic way xD Have you had to deal with drama off stage from other dancers? I can imagine encountering some bitchy people, when it's so competitive and there's the pressure to have a certain body type and all. Wait who's Carrie? Extravagant dance moms haha, I'm picturing them now x) Kind of makes me think of the moms of toddler beauty pageants and how crazy obsessive they are about living vicariously through their daughters. Have you ever seen that show, Toddlers and Tiaras? Oho, touché! xD And yes Lena Heady <3<3 Yeah I thought that was a brilliant way to loop the two story lines back together! I was trying to think of something that could work and you did it so cleanly, it made me grin and be like "Oh shit, Mila, omg you're about to get another strike. If Charlie finds you with Lisette, you're gonna have some splainin to do" x) Man, I am very eager to see what's going to happen hehe... I'm working on your post now, I'll have it up by tomorrow! Edit: I can't believe I said something so embarrassing lol x) But yeah, butterflies. Oh man, yay, I am so so so relieved to hear you say that xD Less frequent posting is [i]completely[/i] fine with me if it means we get to keep going! Haha, phew! Happy Canada Day eh!!! :D Lazing around a pool is exactly what I want to be doing right now x) I'm getting ready for some 4th of July festivities myself. Me, Simon, and some other friends of ours are gonna have a cookout at his place and get pleasantly buzzed on cheap beer and then go to the state fair grounds and watch the fireworks show. Lol, when I lived with my Canadian roommate, I once made a comment to her about wondering why some people in my neighborhood would set off their fireworks a few days [i]before[/i] the 4th of July, like couldn't they just wait a couple more days?? And she gives me a look and says, uh how do you know they aren't celebrating Canada Day? They might be Canadian you know. And I was like, oh. xD *mind blown*