Champagne, banquets, music and dancing. These are the things Mathias Winters dreamed of; they were not sub-conscious hopes for the future, but frail tapestries of the past. With heavy eyes he takes several deep breathes, trying to clutch to the now distant dreams. Turning, he takes comfort in the view of his wife laying next to him, the whole city had fallen, many had lost all they loved, but not Mathias. His empire had gone, his money was worthless, but he had his wife, he had his children and he had his loyal friends. It took him a while to get out of bed, Sophia helped him up and fetched his cane, she was so very good to him and he was grateful yet that did little to shake the strong hatred he had for his physical form. Dressing in front of the mirror was a ritual bordering on mental self-harm, but nonetheless, everyday at eight, Mathias would stare coldly at his reflection and scorn the hunched shoulder, scarred chest and shattered leg that had seized his body. By nine Mathias was ready to leave the bedroom, he had breakfast with Sophia, Isabella and James. After filling up for the long day ahead, Mathias meets Peter, his right hand man, they walk together along the grounds of the estate as they review its defenses. Over the course of a year, the lavish and expansive Winters estate had transformed into a fenced off refuge for the old gang. After what he calls "The Rapture" Mathias had spread the word that any and all loyal to the Winters family were welcome to find sanctuary at the manor. Since then at least twenty have come to make new homes here, all that is asked in return is complete compliance and loyalty. Sometimes, however, loyalty can seem somewhat difficult to give. Deep within the manor there is a large freezer room, which has come in exceptionally handy over the last year. Not only can the group store their food here, they can also detain their traitors. "He still wont talk Mathias, we`ve tried everything...maybe you know..." Peter hinted as he forced the large metal door open. It was common knowledge to all of Sovereign that somewhere on the outskirts of the city, a man dwelled in a frozen mansion, surrounded by the frozen bodies of his victims, left to forever remain his statues. Mathias was quite flattered by the exaggeration, it certainly kept the riff-raff away from the estate, for fears that they may be the next to succumb to the ice-man. "Leave it to me Pete, give me five minutes and I`ll have what were looking for." Pete nodded, shutting Mathias inside, alone with the traitor. Sitiing before him, tied to a wooden chair, sat Vinny Malone. Vinny was a rat, in nature and physicality, he was the worst of the worst, promising the lost and lonely Sovereign citizens a sanctuary at the estate, only to steal whatever they had left before they even reached the gates; money, food, virginity. He was scum. Mathias was disappointed that he had not seen Vinnies darker side before welcoming him into his home. He felt repulsed at the revelation that Vinny had sat at the same table as his wife and daughter. It had to stop. "Oh Vinny. Vinny, Vinny, Vinny. What are we going to do with you..." Mathias circled the trapped rodent. "You`re gonna let me go Winters. I know people, people who still have power in this city!" He squeaked and squealed, it was pathetic. "Vinny, this isnt a city anymore, its a warzone. I could throw you out of here and you could get chopped into little pieces before you even reach these so called people with power...I hear the Banshee was seen a few miles from here last week, you`d be just her type...perhaps a little stringy." Mathias` words flowed from a voice that was deep, crisp and regal, yet calculating and malevolent. "You cant do this too me! I pledge loyalty" As Vinny wriggled Mathias observed his missing forefinger, the very same that months ago Mathias had removed, a sacrifice that all had to make to prove allegiance to the estate. "What did it feel like? To have your finger frozen off? How long did it hurt for?" Their was no response to Mathias` dark questions, in response to silence he grabbed Vinnies face, holding the skull firmly in his hands. "Tell me what i need to know, and the pain will stop." Mathias channeled his energy into his hands, he could hear Boreas whisper in his mind "Ah yes, i wondered when we`d be devouring this cretin. concentrate Mathias, remember, he is weak, you are strong." Vinny`s face began to grow paler and paler, the color rushing from his cheeks. "Okay, okay. A few people know about this place, only a bunch of people. A thief, some girl and another gang leader. That`s all i swear...The Broker too, the guy you were asking about, he`s held up in the city, he`s still in his old place." Vinny tried desperately to break free, shaking his head from side to side, but as it became heavy, Mathias gained better control. "Thank you Vinny, You`ve earnt your freedom." Vinny attempted a grateful smirk "Now leave this world" With a swift burst of white light Mathias stood before a frozen body, "Join your powerful people." With a push of the chair, it slide along the icy flaw, as it carried its host across the room, the movement sensitive lighting revealed a myriad of figures; politicians, gang leaders, police, killers. All once stood in the way of the Winters family, all victims of the Ice-man.