Before Aaron could really respond to what Anne had said, he had left him alone once again in the car. Shrugging it off, Aaron finished his meal as it was brought to him; the coffee removing the remaining signs of last night's events. Aaron didn't stand up, however; he looked out the window from his seat in the dining car. Outside, the lands of Pennsylvania were passing by. People rode on bicycles and drove in cars; all traveling somewhere. For some odd reason, Aaron had a bit of a fantasy--in this fantasy, he imagined he were one of the people, riding their bicycles. Perhaps to school, or work; it did not matter. And that he looked into this very train as it passed, and saw himself. Aaron wondered what the other man would think of him. What it would be like on the other side of the window. "Sir," The train attendant said. She had come up behind him and startled him away from his mind. "Would you like a re-fill?" Aaron looked down at his empty cup of coffee. "Uh, no thank you," He said quietly. The attendant returned to another table, and Aaron left the car; making his way back to his seat, and sitting down. "Nice meal," He said aloud.