[b][center]~A few hours ago~[/center][/b] It was the early morning. By early morning, it was sooooo ungodly early that it was near impossible to find the sun or the moon at this hour. The cool air felt really nice and the sky seemed mostly clear at the hour and the village of Konohagakure was almost completely silent. There were three of them together, waiting just outside the village gates. There was a man, older with long blond hair and dim green eyes. He was a ninja, by the headband and the clothes. The man's name was Inori Yamanaka and he was formerly a part of a pretty big and popular clan or something. Not that any of that really mattered too much anymore, but he thought pretty highly of himself. The other man with them was a bit younger, late 20s, and he was really tall. He was also a ninja, though lacked the headband that titled him, and wore simpler clothes. He was quiet, only talking when necessary, and had this bloodthirsty air about him. Perhaps it was how deeply he stared or the deep, sleepless bags under his eyes or, just maybe, it was the bloodsplatter stains on his clothes here and there. His name was Durian. Weird name, but he wasn’t exactly from these lands, or so most figured. The only female of the group stood out a little more from the other two. Her name was Shuya, though the other two simply referred to her as 'Crashwhite'. She was a lot younger than the other two with short white hair, pale blue eyes, with a slim, yet athletic frame and more humanly casual clothes than the other two. Unlike the other two, she wasn't trained to kill and wasn't as dedicated to the current task at hand. Some would think of her as the usual "arms-for-hire" mercenary, though she honestly didn't have much of a choice in the matter of being here. For some strange reason, in order to get food you have to do this awful thing known as "work" and this "work" entailed a 12 hour night watch for terrorists. "Almost there," A exasperated sigh flooded her mouth as she wiped some non-existent sweat from her brow, "I can't wait to eat!" Almost flowing with her words her stomach grumbled loud enough for the other two to hear. “And you were so energetic at the start of the shift...Where’d all that enthusiasm go?” Inori asked, crossing his arms as he watched the young girl complain. A habitual smile spread on Shuya’s face, “I’m always enthusiastic! But!” She said, a rush of bubbly optimism that quickly drowned into a depressed relient, “I’m so hungry I can’t think!” She hung her arms, slouching, as if she were about to fall to the ground right then and there. Inori chuckled and opened his mouth to say more, but he was interrupted by a presence that appeared. The body flicker technique always amazed Shuya. It was so quick and mystical, yet sometimes followed a comical cloud or dazzling swirl of wind that made it seem pretty or cute. This guy loved to use the technique. In fact, he almost always did it. As if walking were an outrageous idea! He was tall, broad, muscular and tan. He had one dark brown eye and one strangely green one, pretty weird. He had a bleach blond hair and favored a large broadsword on his back. He was from Kumogakure, but was completely faithful to the Empire, so Shuya heard. He has a deep voice, strong grip, and has almost no patience or sense of humor. His name was Taraki Shendo and he is the man they refer to as Captain. “End brief! End brief!” Shuya chanted, throwing up her arms happily as if she were about to be rewarded by an adult for doing all her chores. “Crashwhite, you won’t be receiving the End Brief just yet,” He responded, curtly. He even paused, as if the reason for it was obvious. Shuya looked to her current partners and realized they weren’t going to ask why, which was slightly frustrating! So, being as starved and tired as she was, her stomach won over her patience and, a little sassy, she offered a “Why the heck not!?” In response, which made Inori grin again. “Your job as Night Watch is to watch for anything that happens during the night. I believe we have a possible infiltrator. You three are going to retrace the perimeter then proceed with Tactical Code D within the village. Support any soldiers you find that are in need of any assistance, as you are required as the preliminary security task force,” He said, not asked, to which Inori was the only one to acknowedge with a nod. Shuya was stunned...For a moment, she just stood there with her mouth agape. When that bastard Taraki vanished in a puff she whimpered, realizing that this was going to be the longest shift of her young life. “B-but, I’m just so hungry,” She cried, sounding as if she were close to tears. “Well, at least it won’t finish too boring. Besides, its a few more hours you’ll be paid, Crashwhite,” Inori emphatized, even offering a slight pat on the shoulder. “I don’t want money! I want a meat!” She said, shaking her head. “‘A meat’?” Inori asked, chuckling. “I mean, what are the chances of even finding some rebels this close to the village? Rebels wouldn’t do that. I think he just hates us. We probably aren’t going to do anything but walk around for the next couple hours.” Complaining, she just didn’t see the light at the end of the tunnel. When would they be free? When she passed out from lack of sleep!? Durian just walked off without a word. He was rude like that. Shuya took it as a hint that, at this moment, she had no choice but to man up and prepare for the next shift. “I promise you, nothing is even going to happen. He’s going to have us running around doing absolutely nothing!” “Well then, I hope that is the case. It would mean all is well.” “Yeah, except my stomach being filled with yummie foodies,” [b][center]~Currently~[/b][/center] In an instant, a hefty explosion crashed into the foodstand. It was the very place Katsu, Matsuka, and Ryozan stopped to take a bite. It was a hefty, chakra filled fire-based attack that devoured his familiar little ramen stand. Naturally, two highly skilled ninja would have been able to get out just in time, or not depending, however the fire attack was any low level attack. It was powerful enough to continue on, passed the stand, and dive into a nearby building setting it aflame. A young girl with pearly white hair ran in, running along the side of a building with great speed before jumping and, with a twirly twist, landed gracefully on her feet. “You missed~” She would boast, sweetly. She was facing the fiery devastation that the fire wrought at coming straight at her. Due to the heat and the remaining fire it was difficult to see what was beyond the burning rubble of the former ramen stand. However, a shadow silhouette could be slightly made out within the flames. That form threw it’s hand, tossing out 3 shuriken. A glint of ninja wire could be seen attached to them as they flew ever onwards. The silverhaird girl effortlessly dodged them and, when she did, they caught fire. The shuriken at the end of the wire became birds, somewhat similar in form to a small, rounded finch. They trailed after her and, as they came in close, she had to fall back to escape them. She was quick, talentedly so, and agile. Never once did they seem close to catching her. A tall man with an all black sword in hand leapt off a building to the far left and, slashing that weapon once, sent a crescent slash in the directly of the oncoming weapons and severed the technique by splitting the wire. The flames died out. From behind the shadowy figure a pair of water bullets whizzed through the air, forcing him to leap forward to evade them. The man, cloaked in a warm and beaten robe, was inbetween three forces. One was clearly a Yamanaka as he jumped after the man. He was slightly wet, which was a hint that he shot the water bullet. The other man, tall and with a few bloody cuts, held his sword ever ready to cut down the man a few yards ahead of him. Then there was the white hair girl. Of the three, she was the only one smiling. The man in the middle smacked his lips. He was low on chakra, exhausted, and now he was cornered. He had no choice but to do everything he could to escape before additional help came in. The man threw off his cloak to show off typical ninja attire. He wore the headband of his country, Konohagakure, proudly and had a twin pair of short swords at his sides. He as a rebel. An independant rebel at that. He wasn’t one that unionized or strategized with a whole group. He had a grudge to settle and a mission to accomplish. It was possible he was just acting out on his own, but there was also the possibility that he was acting on orders to go through a solo mission for the rest of the Rebels and made the mistake of being caught. Katsu Uchiha would most certainly recognize this man. This man was also an Uchiha. Likely, the ninja was apart of Katsu’s childhood and, like Katsu, also hated the Empire. This man had spoken to Katsu on many occasions and most of them were kind, encouraging words. However, just like all the others, this man was one of the many Uchiha that chunned Katsu when he returned from “that” mission that long age ago. The man’s name, which Katsu would most certainly know, was Fuuki Uchiha. This man, an Uchiha with a mind similar to Katsu, was about to be gunned down by Empire sympathizers, captured and most likely tortured. If he was lucky, his eyes would be slowly gouged out and used as a trophy weapon for at the Empiresses discretion. Would Katsu allow that? Would allow this man to be defeated like this, despite how his heart burns with the all impressive Uchiha pride and the resolute will of fire? Then again, this man had decided to forsake Katsu just like most of the other Uchiha. Why should he deserve any help or even any consideration? Would it be so bad to just watch this Rebel suffer for his decisions, be captured by these three Empire subordinates, just as the man watched Katsu suffer alone after the death of his master? It was only fair...Or was it? The choice was Katsu and he didn’t have hardly any time to ponder the repercussions of either action. The Yamanaka formed the characteristic handsigns of their clans signature technique. The tall man with the black sword readied himself to attack the moment Fuuki let his guard down. He’d take care of any ninjutsu or haphazard escape attempts swiftly. Then...There was the white haired girl. “I’m going to do this nice and quick so I can eat! You owe me Dinner, Breakfast and Lunch now, Mister!” The girl said, the happiest grin on her face. Shuya couldn’t help but be excited! There was going to be food! Lots of food! So much food! She as going to eat until her stomach tore, go to the hospital to have it repaired, then start all over again! She didn’t have any heartfelt regrets about what she was going to do. She was going to painfully knock this man out, let him be arrested, then stuff her face with all the wonderful things that her tongue would taste! Oh the amazingness that she was going to be involved in! The girl rushed forward. She was quick, taking a sprinters charge, and would be at that man in moments. Even if he could take her, the other two would be sure to end this match quickly. Such was the plan and the point behind the formation. There would be no escape for him. He was through. Now...Would Katsu watch this man lose here and now or would his own pride as an Uchiha cause him to take a stance, openly, against the Empire?