Just as Kryon walked up to the entrance, the door opened. Atina, the High Priestess Tarot, was there, leaning against the door frame. "My, my... You're all dressed up and ready for the ball, eh, Kryon?". Atina has been always nice to him, and was the one who first took him to the guild, years ago. "Why don't you come in for a drink and some food?" [b]"Nice to see you Atina. Yes, a drink would be welcome.[/b] They stepped inside and Kryon closed the door behind him. [b]"I'm not planning on staying too long. I'd like to leave as soon as circumstances allow it. I'm headed to Folxin, they need help there, the civil war has been getting worse.[/b] Kryon liked the guild building, even though he liked the city less, it was very spacious compared to the number of people who actually stayed here. The stone was nice and cool compared to the warm, still air of the streets, and Kryon was very grateful for it. He was very hot under his armor but was too proud to show it, he got used to it anyways. He wouldn't take it off very often, only to sleep and when he was planning on staying someplace for multiple days. [b]"During my travels, I have heard a few things that worry me. There seems to be some hostility between the members of the guild. Some even had problems with the whole of the Major Arcana. I don't recall ever giving anyone within the guild a reason to do so. I assume that is why we were called here."[/b] Kryon had the tendency of being overly formal, especially with ladies around, no matter for how long he knew them. However he really wasn't that much of a serious person. He was calm though, even during battles, always keeping everything under control. He was rarely seen running, he only did when he had to get in the way of someone who wanted to harm an innocent, with his shield in front of him. Kryon took a seat and put his helmet on the table next to him. While taking Fate, his longsword, and Resilience, his shield, off of his back so he could lean back against the chair. He looked at Atina, at the eye-patch over one of her eyes. She never told him how it actually happened, but Kryon wanted to stay polite and didn't pressure her to do so after the first couple of times he asked. He was still quite curious to know though.