[6:27:42 AM] Death: *Shifty eyes* I has a thought. . .Perhaps, when Crios was new to the staff, Cho was the one to pull him at least part way out of his shell. He would visit often, maybe Crios just lost a family member to the clash or a NM on earth when he was hired, so he was a real withdrawn guy. Cho figured out right away that he was in love with the new doctor, but doesn't say anything until, like, after the doc's confession with one of those, "Well of course I love you back, silly, I've loved you this whole time!" *Snuggles*. . . .Your idea is interesting too. . . Maybe we can mash'em together. . . . [6:29:56 AM | Edited 6:30:38 AM] Death: They knew each other as kids, then he went off for medical training. Cho has always been a natural, so by the time Crios was done with his training, Cho was already top chef, and they didn't see one another until Crios got the job, and at that point he'd just lost, say, his mother, to a NM attack, and add in that Cho's always been in love with Crios, and Crios just not realized it :P [6:31:30 AM] Death: Maybe add in there that Crios has always been a little jealous of Cho's natural talent :P [6:32:28 AM] AkiBlue: Mash: With Crios new to the staff he was just staff and not head of the entire medical workforce. Same for Cho. Sooo plus Cho leaving first, mashed! I'd also say the reason they never really managed to be together was because of their busy lives. But now they get to spend so much time together because of Seishu's little group. [6:32:43 AM] AkiBlue: Ha, jealous Crios. [6:34:07 AM] Death: *Rolls around* I wanna have Cho top chef before Crios joins the work force, more food for the jealousy fire. . . .*Sniffles* [6:35:02 AM] Death: And I can agree to Cho leaving for his job before Crios leaving for medical training. :P [6:35:18 AM] AkiBlue: Haha, okay. Sounds good so far.