"Perfect," Raito mused aloud as he stood up from his seat. DemiDevimon gave his Tamer an odd look. "Can't it be activated already?" The bat practically whined. Raito headed for the door, opening it and turning back to his Digimon, "Patience... is a virtue." DemiDevimon rolled its eyes at that, flying from the desk to perch on Raito's shulder as the two went to check on some of the other members of the Firewall Organization. It didn't take them long to find one of their youngest members, Hokuto. "Training?" It came out more matter-of-fact than anything, "I expect that it is going well." Meanwhile, DemiDevimon leered at Hokuto and Candlemon. He hated how close the two were but knew Raito had no want to fire Hokuto anytime soon. ~ Kouta stopped in his tracks, and turned around to face Tiffany and Renamon, "I really wish people'd stop calling me that." Kouna had become a nickname that a few of the other Data Collectors called him, but secretly he did enjoy the nickname. "Yep!" FanBeemon exclaimed, "We kicked bu--" He faded out when he heard Renamon challenge them. Kouta smirked, clutching his Digivice with one hand and adjusting his glasses with the other, "Well, Tiff. Gonna put your money where Renamon's mouth is? Because we'll gladly take you on." While his competitive streak was ruthless against other teams, it was much more playful with his fellow guildmates.