The city was alive with colors and the aromas in the air promised great rewards to those who would follow them to their source. Fishmongers and farmers and bakers lined the streets in their carts, calling out their wares for passing pedestrians. Men and women and children flooded the streets, some rushing around in a hurry, others meandering and taking in the sights. A hundred Natrelmon could be seen, accompanying their Trainers or owners in their daily duties. The sun was rising, threatening yet another sweltering day, but a change in the winds brought cool sea air into the city, much to its relief. Dom bit into the spiced sausage as Chelle Lee daintily attacked a sweetroll beside him. The peppers of the south were hot, and they made his mouth burn, but the sausage was fantastic. In four more bites, it was gone, the grease on Dom's fingers the only remnants of his breakfast. "Damn, Toran does have good food. Can we never leave?" Chelle Lee swallowed her mouthful. "We'll leave as soon as our tour here is finished. No sooner, no later. And if that's the case, we need to get a move on challenging the Toran Arena." Dom's mouth twisted. "Yeah, yeah. I haven't even used Spaz or Needle besides sparring with you, though. Not sure if they'd hold up." He rubbed the guitar picks with his thumb. "What about your Natrelmon? That butterfly thing you snagged? It any good?" She gave a noise of disinterest. "I'm sure the thing's good enough, but I don't give two shits about it," she said. "I'm hoping to find somebody who'll want it in exchange for something better. Maybe a Naachi or something else dead." Dom could help but grimace at his friend's morbid curiosity with Ghost-type Natrelmon. They were useful, sure, but scary as all hell. He'd leave those types to her. The street opened up into a plaza, not so crowded as some of the others they had passed. A large fountain stood in the center, a stone Sea Tyrant coiled and rearing fifteen feet into the air, pouring water from its gaping maw. Dom led the way to a bench beside the fountain and settled down, releasing his Nakumo and Sparwire to rest beside him. If he was going to train, advertising his Natrelmon might not be a bad idea. Perhaps some other Trainer would spy him and approach for a battle.