Dom felt an elbow in his ribs. He shot a betrayed look at Chelle Lee as he looked towards where she was pointing. "Words work just as well, bitch. Don't have to- [i]ooph[/i]," the air went out of him as Chelle Lee ribbed him even harder this time. Wincing at rubbing his bruised torso, he squinted across the plaza to where an ornate purple peacock strutted at the side of a young woman. The plumage on the folded tail was evident even from afar. "Holy shit," he muttered. Chelle Lee nodded in agreement. "Yeah. I wonder what kind of Natrelmon that is. I fucking hate the color, but anything that ridiculously colored has to pack a pretty powerful punch. Go over and ask her," she commanded. "What the hell? You go yourself. I'm not your errand boy; I'm your lead guitarist." "Go right the fuck over there and ask the nice lady what kind of Natrelmon that is and if she has anything less [i]fabulous[/i] to trade. Or I'll hit you in the side again." Chelle Lee punctuated her words with a smirk. Grumbling, Dom rose from the bench. Spaz flapped his wings and fluttered around his head as Needles [i]clink[/i]ed alongside him. As he crossed the open space, he took the time to size up the peacock's owner. She was slightly above average height, quite a bit taller than Chelle Lee, though only so tall as to reach his own chin. Her hair, her clothes, her stance - everything seemed pretty normal about her aside from the ornate chains set in her ear. It looked cool, Dom decided, though a little out of place. Adopting his wide toothy grin, Dom stuck his hands in his pockets and leaned up against the stall the woman was browsing. "Hey," he said, adding a hint of husk to his voice. The ladies always loved that. "I couldn't help but notice your fine-looking Natrelmon there," he said, nodding towards the peacock. "What's it called?"