[b]Shio[/b] Shio's arm muscles tensed as Dom approached, her body poised to pivot and strike should he turn out to be trying to attack her, utilizing the Kujaku's aura to sense such things. However, when he turned out to merely lean against the stall, she relaxed. Initially she paid no mind to it, continuing her browsing. However, given her presence as the only one at the stall, aside from himself and the shopkeeper, Shio assumed he was directing his comment at her. Had Shio been a normal lady, Dom's vocal trick might have actually accomplished something. Shio, however, was not a normal lady and the effect was completely lost on her. Turning to him and straightening her back, having been bent over slightly to look at the keeper's wares, "It is a Kujaku." While she did not express the surprise in either her ton or features, Shio was actually quite surprised - surprised that the other trainer was not familiar with the Natrelmon. It lead her to a few conclusions, some including his ineptitude as a trainer. Despite normal conventions to continue a conversation, such as asking about Dom's Natrelmon, Shio went back to looking at the wares, unaware of the potential faux pas.