[center][U]Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon[/u][/center] Emily Emily felt dread and pain swell in her heart when she willing volunteered to go back to the badlands once more. It was a hard decision and one she partly regretted after learning Lux wouldn’t be accompanying her this time, it would’ve been a comfort to lean upon someone who had shared in her hellish mistake. Out of all the mission’s mishaps, it was her biggest regret of trusting Cerberus. Vivid images of fire, screaming sounds, and suffering all around her played in her head over and over in the days before this mission that now she looked rather tired and drained thanks to restless nights. She had expected to see the scorched desert still burning, yet now it seemed to be nothing more than a healed scar upon the land itself. A thing, like many, lost in the desert’s sands. It didn’t surprise her at how easily the desert adapted to what seemed to be an aftermath to the Mother Dragon’s rage. The fire was so hot it had turned sand into glass, the walls see through and almost misshapen in appear but anything within was hidden by the shifting sands. Emily was slightly edgy, her eyes wandered over the Sand Drakes as they milled around the small bowlike structures. She hadn’t forgotten what had happen, her mind set in defend rather than kill, and became alert even while they hadn’t so much as glanced her way. She stood there and watched, they either piled more sand upon their homes or helped the little lizards back into the sand where they then disappeared from sight. Her attention was jerked away from the Sand Drakes by Fran’s uncharacteristic glee, their companion and thankfully the translator. A fact made known when Fran made a correction on Emily’s pronunciation. She was inwardly relieved that neither Cerberus’s nor her weak translation skills would be needed at all. In the end, she wouldn’t forgive her spirit for valuing her life over another’s. That fact alone had caused a painful stress in their relationship as holder and spirit as well as companions. “It’s not a surprise in the desert. Animals either adapt their world to themselves or adapt to it, much like the people in Soule did.” Emily commented. It was the first mentioned, other than with Lux, about her hometown. Though the positive part was the werecats, unlike the Sand Drakes, were less likely to slaughter them. At least she had hoped so.