[b]King Henrik of the Kingdom of Norsia[/b] With the Jarl decided, and Henrik formally coronated weeks later -- there was much to business to handle before the next meeting of the Jarl's. [b]Spy-Master[/b]: Ragnar Wolfsbane, Jarl of Coldmarch. Younger than his peers, Ragnar's cold demeanor seemed right for the position. [b]Steward[/b]: The Merchant-Jarl, Bertil Reenburg, though not of a formal lineage that the likes of Henrik preferred, his auspicious eye for coin was undeniable. Bertil was sure to be surprised when the rider came to his door carrying such news. [b]Marshal[/b]: Even stranger still would be the look across the face of the Jarl of the Frozen North, Koval Brute-Blade, when the scroll carrying the commandments of the King of Norsia that he was to be the Marshal -- a highly coveted and most important position in the kingdom. Koval's prowess of war was not ill placed, and he would be a fine leader of armies, [i]if[/i] the time came. - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - King Henrik sat atop his seat and took each envoy with the measured and meticulous look that the Havarr family had long adhered to. Following their kind words and departure, Eyildr was the first to speak -- obviously in a manner befitting her political guile with the Elves. Henrik heeded the wise, albeit sometimes archaic words of Eyildr before speaking. " I would hear the other Jarls and those among my council speak on this matter. Long has my Jarldom held the Gothran dog in check, but rarely have I crossed path with either Dwarf or Elf."