The seas were calm as the Aurora cut through the currents like a knife. Cecilia was at the helm, her gaze fixed on the horizon. The warm sea air had always reinvigorated her and helped clear her head for thinking. The sense of unease that filled her heart was increasing the closer they approached that crazy old duke's summer home. She didn't understand his motives for kidnappings the princess, or whether his despotic plan would even work. Her brow furrowed with concern. This not knowing rubbed her the wrong way, to say the very least. "Ramsey," she called to her first mate, who was always somewhere close by. "I'm having second thoughts." Ramsey raised an eyebrow in surprise. "That's a dangerous new habit, Cap'n," he replied with a smile. "What about?" Cecilia expressed her concern over the duke's plan, advising him that he should prepare the men for anything. The sea smelled of treachery and she didn't like it. "I'll advise the crew," he said with conviction. Ramsey trusted his captain and never second guessed her intuition. As her first mate walked off to fulfill his duty, a nervous lieutenant walked up to the helm. "Cap'n, she's knocked on the door," Salty Nate was a nervous little man with thinning hair and missing teeth. He had a nervous tick that made him look a bit crazy, but Cecilia thought him harmless. He never gave her cause to worry, and he performed his duties to the letter, never causing much of a fuss. "Delightful. Thank you Nate." She left him in charge of the wheel as she headed down towards the door of her quarters. She produced her key and unlocked the door, "I see you've decided to join us, Princess," her tone was teasing, the mischievous smile crept over her face. "Of all the dresses in that wardrobe, you choose the plainest one? You surprise me, highness." The soft green of the dress made Elena look radiant, but Cecilia would never say it aloud. She extended her hand, "Would you like a tour?"