Alright, for those of you whom expressed interest, I want some ground info like... ...what would your characters be, ideally? The goal here was to literally roleplay as [b]you[/b] in terms of your outerworld, but you do not have to abide by that. Shoot me some ideas. Additionally, I have dozens and dozens of very loose ideas for how the outerworld powers will work, but mostly understand this: all of your abilities will run on negative 'ley' which is basically mana and it's negative to reflect that the outer shell of most atoms is negative (there's the science fantasy aspect). This basically leaves every single player with the room to create fantastic, intricate abilities whether its an umbrella of them, a mechanic, a generic ability or something off the wall. So, throw me out what your outernet persona and abilities might be, and they are truly meant to be expressions of your character.