Once the scene ascended from the concrete, Kevin raised an eyebrow and brought his hand up to his chin and rubbed it gently. ‘Well, that’s an invitation to the cops.’ He thought. The more visual these things got, the more uncomfortable humans started to get. Eventually the police would come and clean up and that could lead to some violence. The alternative was an attack from the human side, though no matter who threw the first stone, the mutants would be the scape goats. The crowd were rather torn on the reactions as some cheered loudly while others wanted to disappear into their rain coats. Was this truly the message these mutants wanted to give? Kevin understood that if equality was going to be preached, why hide who they are in the process? But it was about being smart. This was just reckless, and one needed to take things slow with the mentally daft. As the scene was starting to heat up, Kevin thought it a good idea to head away. He didn’t want to be present when gunpowder started to echo in the distance. As he started to move away, he tried to keep a distance from the thick of the crowd, moving past a few girls on the way. “Excuse me.” He spoke softly, moving between several people and eventually found his way out of the crowd. Good, he could breath now. Kevin had rented a room in the local motel as while he was looking for a home to buy. He hadn’t been in the city for long but he planned to stay for a while now that he had seen so much of the world. Traveling for nearly sixty years had left him dried out and lead to something he never thought would happen: the want to settle down. At least for a while, Kevin would enjoy the silence and stability of a single home instead of the every flowing motions of the road. He had seen the highest peaks of the Japanese mountains as he visited reserved temples in search of ancient knowledge. He had visited the deepest pits of the filthy arenas in the darkest, most unpleasant places he could imagine. From frozen tundras to the desert, Kevin had been everywhere and had the main goal not been developing his martial arts, he would have ended up learning several languages and cultures. Well, he had time. For now a warm home was the most pleasant of thoughts. Once a respectable distance from the crowd, Kevin turned and walked behind a set of buildings and found himself in the darker parts of town with the cheapest motels around. The problem with having been so many places is usually that some of them follow you when you’re gone. Kevin learned this many years ago and thus expected it to happen again, but he could not tell the future. Luckily, his reflexes were honed enough to dodge the sudden blade appearing from the darkness, followed by several strikes. The martial artist dodged the blows and managed to manoeuvre behind his attacker and disarmed him before he delivered a powerful kick to the darkly clad man’s spine, sending him to the ground. “You’ve been a bad boy, Viper.” It had been quite a while since that title fell on Kevin. He turned to see another man clad in a black outfit, a sword sheathed on his back. To an untrained eye, they’d look like ninjas but Kevin had seen these uniforms before. They were special Hunters working for an organisation with rather unpleasant ilk. “I was bad before you guys came around.” Kevin grinned and twirled the katana between his fingers. “But I must admit, the six months I spent in that shit hole put things into perspective. Humans are starting to piss me off.” “Careful now.” His voice was cold, a perfect reflection of the man’s [url=http://fc03.deviantart.net/fs70/i/2012/191/4/6/modern_ninja_by_naznamy-d56pmud.jpg]physical appearance[/url] . “You don’t want to put your kind in a bad position now would you? All those peaceful protests will have been for nothing.” “You flatter me.” Kevin replied, the two keeping each other in sight as they walked slowly in a half circle. “Tell me, what kind of dog did you manage to create in a test tube from what you got from me?” “Come and you’ll see.” “Don’t tease me, you know I’m curious.” He raised his sword. “And tell the other three assholes to come out.” He didn’t break eye contact with his enemy but seemed to have noticed the other three soldiers hiding in the shadows. No guns on this mission? They really wanted to keep this as quiet as possible. They also knew of Kevin's mutation, thus they didn't attempt to poison him with sleeping darts. He wasn't making it very easy.