Atina gazed at Kyron for a long moment before she noticed him glancing at her eye patch. She pretended as if she hadn't noticed where his gaze had gone, but she inadvertently reached up and tugged at it slightly, as if she were somewhat nervous about it. Then she sat down across from him once she retrieved two large ales, a loaf of bread, and a variety of spreads for the freshly baked goods. [b]"As I'm sure you've heard, the Emperor and Empress are still missing after going to Foxlin to help bring down the Haze's control over their government."[/b] She traced the tip of her finger around the rim of the glass. [b]"They've not sent word in nearly two months and many of the Minor Arcana are beginning to lose hope that they'll ever return. No one has heard of them, and none of our people in Foxlin have any new information about their whereabouts."[/b] She sighed a little before she sat back, her single green eye stare was rather piercing and unsettling to many. It seemed as if it saw all. [b]"I can't trace them that far, so our best chance to find them would be to send me and a select few to retrieve them. The guild is falling apart around our ears as of late, and not because of the lack of leadership."[/b] She nodded behind her and towards a couple of the Court members, a mixture of Swords, Cups, and Pentacles. [b]"They've been infiltrated by the Haze. Someone in their ranks has begun to spread distrust to separate the Minor and the Major Arcana--and so far they are doing a damnably good job of it. Very few of them trust us Major Arcana, especially me. They know of my ability to trace magic and memorize it, so they've been extra careful while I'm around. I'm assuming that if I were to leave for a short time, I'd come back to find them wanting to burn me at the stake to get me out of the way. And they'd have enough of an influence to do it, too."[/b] She then leaned forward and whispered, [b]"Whoever it is will stop at nothing in order to split the guild and give the Haze the advantage that they've been waiting for. We've just barely kept the Haze at bay for the past several months by placing some of the Court in the government. You and the others that have been recruited into the Major Arcana as of late are the few people that I can trust not to let me go up in flames."[/b] She never once allowed a single expression to show itself on her face, but in her voice, there was something that was tinged with fear. During her warnings and admittance of fears, she had been unknowingly playing with the strap of her patch. Just then, it fell, revealing a green eye that was the color of an emerald, it even seemed to glow like one, too. But there was a long scar that slashed horizontally from one corner of her eye to the other. She covered her eye with a hand and put the patch over it once again. [b]"S-sorry about that. When I get nervous, I tug too hard on the strings..."[/b] She then sighed, acting as if nothing had happened. While she had uncovered her eye, she had seen a shining spark in the distance, towards the desert. [b]"I believe someone is coming for the Tarot guild..."[/b]