Kryon took all the information in, only slightly glancing at the Court members when Atina nodded towards them. It really wasn't that surprising. The Haze were doing a good job and the Tarot were slow to react. [i]"Its worse than I thought. I must stay with Atina and help gather the other few that can still be trusted."[/i] Then Atina's eye-patch fell. Kryon was surprised to see an actual eye. There was a scar, but the eye seemed to be healthy. Kryon took a mental note to ask Atina about it, however now was not the time. He ignored Atina's apology and went back to think about the situation at hand. He did it more for her, she was already scared enough. He could hear it in her voice. She wasn't the kind who wore her heart on her sleeves. If she was scared, than it's serious, very serious. [b]"Atina, you won't burn before I do, I promise you that. But we must leave, and soon, right now if possible. Judging from what you said the guild is not safe anymore. We'll have to meet any others outside of town.[/b] Kryon cut a bit from the bread and casually spread a bit of peach jam on it. He took a bite and thought while chewing. He didn't like where this was going. The Haze seemed to be everywhere. They must do something immediately, the Haze is just growing stronger in time. And they are getting weaker. Trying to keep some influence in the government was a lost cause, but the people, they might not be. Villagers, townsmen, soldiers... they could decide who and what to fight for. Maybe they should try to convince them to join their cause. Governments are worth nothing if the people don't follow them. [i]"It might work."[/i] [b]"What do you suggest on doing though? You seem to know way more about the situation than I do. I trust your judgement and I will follow it. You can count on my swords and shield![/b] He took another bite of the bread and jam and looked at the corrupt Court Tarots again. He could easily take all of them out in no time at all.