Vincent stretched as he stepped out of his trailer, a light breezee blew across his face bringing with it the smells and sounds of the fair. Despite the familiarity of the atomsphere that accompanied all of these small shows, he doubted he could get used to it. The sounds and smells always felt alien to the former mobster, after all one grows accustomed to the smell and signs of the city. However, Vincent knew how to make things feel a bit more familiar, and it even benefited the Troupe. After all if he could drum some business up while enjoying himself a bit who could complain. Begining his normal pre-show routine Vincent set off towards the epicenter of the fair, a cigar in his mouth and a grin on his face. Reaching the middle of the fair grounds, he paused. Taking a deep breath Vincent let the walls in his mind fall, effectively letting the flood of surface thoughts of the crowd come crashing down on him. Grimacing he shook his head slightly, he could [b]never[/b] get used to that feeling. Taking the now spent cigar from his mouth he brought it to the heel of his shoe and ground it out against it. Now it was time for a little promoting. Tapping on the shoulder of a passing man in a group of five Vincent began. " 'Scuse me sir, I was wonderin' if you would help me with a little demonstration if yous would?" The man started to nod, as a woman from the group stepped forward. "Actually we were heading to grab dinner. Sorry. Come on Rick," the woman said. The man paused for a moment and Vincent could hear him debating it in his head. Before the man could decline though Vincent spoke again, "Don't worries it'll only take a moment, then yous can be on yours way." Looking at the his group of friends the man said, "C'mon guys it'll only be a minute." "Ah, thanks," Vincent replied in a smooth voice. "Nows I must ask, Yous know about the magics show this evening?" The group of people nodded. "Wells I'm ones of the acts and I was hoping I coulds convince yous folks to help me warm up my act." A few of the people looked at each other and shrugged, while the woman from before inquired, "What exactly do you do?" "Allow me to demonstrate. Think o' somthin', now tells your friends what it is. Then I'll tell yous what its is." The woman nearly nodded and after moment turned to inform her friends quietly. When she turned back around Vincent cut her off before she could say she was ready. "Yous thinkin' of your ol' hideout from whens yous were all tots. The one no one else knows of." Everyone in the groups eyes widened and their thoughts tumbled about, all of them flabbergasted that he could know something that only they know existed. Smirking slightly Vincent looked at Rick, the man he had stopped, "I thank yous for the praise, buts I'm nots that amazin'." To which the eyes widened even more, causing Vincent to chuckle and say, "Sos I take it yous are comin' to the show t'night? Goods and makes sure to informs yours friends." With that The Piper walked off towards the trailers to wait for the show, lighting a new cigar as he went on his way. He always felt that it did The Troupe some good to draw some attention before a performance.