[center][B][U]Tetsujin, Iyana[/U][/B][/center] Her eyes fiery and focused, Iyana observed the empress, waiting to be dismissed. As she did so she noticed the others who had come to fight in the name of the Empire's ruler. Gritting her teeth silently, Iyana did her best to keep her composure, she didn't want the empress knowing how much she disliked taking orders. After a minute or so, the insufferable bitch finally spoke,declaring that they were to ambush the enemy troops. Simply nodding, Iyana turned away from her and dashed straight off of the cliff, weaving handseals as she did so, but waiting for a few moments to gauge the distance. Once she had, she initiated her signature technique, In'ei kabaa(阴影カバー 'Shade covering'). Her chakra pushed from the various openings on her body and covered the entirety of her form. As it did so the chakra coalesced over her back and then formed into a rather complex pair of bat-like wings. The wings angled, as did her body, and then unfolded to catch the wind as she dropped. A drop that quickly ceased as the wings held her aloft and allowed her to glide over the forest. On the way there, she noticed the other flier, the Jinchuuriki of the Eight Tails, her name was Remi. The girl used hornets, which was made obvious by the massive insect that she sat stride. Sneering slightly, Iyana glanced down, noticing how near she had come to the point she wished to drop off to, and then began readying herself. First she placed her right hand just over her left, waiting for the right moment to initiate her assault. Then, seeing her comrades dip into the woods and begin the attack, Iyana dropped down, letting the wings fold halfway so that she would dip and dive right through the trees, slamming right into a man, her body flipping slightly so her feet impacted his chest. The landing balanced her out, allowing her to take a step forwards and draw her katana from what would appear as thin air, though in actuality it was from the seal on her left hand. Her chakra had already been pushed into the blade even before it was pulled from the seal, where it slashed through one man, and then impaled another through the chest. She had landed amidst a large clusterfuck of shinobi, and she was glad she had. Otherwise, this wouldn't even begin to be a challenge. As if to cut off her train of thought, three of the shinobi around her sprang into action. One was too slow, a chakra-forged arm slamming into his chest and then producing spikes straight into his heart and lungs, ceasing his life in moments. The other two were however more lucky, at least for the immediate moment, as one finished his handseals, sending a fireball her way, and the other infused his blade with lightning and charged straight for her. During this time Iyana did not stand still, instead she spun and swiped her arm, sending off two whirling chakra disks crossed in an X to slice the fireball into fourths. The fireball, frighteningly, did not stop the disks and so they continued on, coming into view for the shinobi who quickly dodged to the side and threw three kunai. Katana wielder struck at Iyana with his blade, coming from behind, but she kept with her spinning momentum and slammed her blade, now having high speed vibrations heightening its cutting prowess, causing the man's own weapon to chip and crack slightly even as it was pushed aside. At this point Iyana's chakra cloak had already formed back around her entire body, thickening on the outer portions and becoming rigid enough to block weaker strikes, such as kunai. [B]"You call yourselves experienced shinobi?!"[/B] She called out even as she jumped into the tree tops, concealing her chakra signature, and simultaneously dodging several jutsu and projectile weapons. Refocusing, the fireball shinobi sent moulded his chakra even as two chakra arms extended down from the trees, picked him up, and flung him into three of his comrades who had been orchestrating a collaboration technique of some sort. Laughing, Iyana lunged onto someone's chest, slamming someone with her chakra tail and tearing into the person's chest who she had landed upon. However, she stayed still only long enough for her presence to be registered, after which point she had jumped off the chest of her adversary and dashed between two nin, both who attempted attacks too late to catch her even as her tail brushed agains them, sending electrical shocks through their bodies. She had infused lightning chakra into the cloak for a moment to stun them as she passed. Taking advantage of their state she covered their mouths with her chakra claws, stopping them from breathing by using Fu shintō-sei no ryōiki(不浸透性の領域 'Impermeable field') She then used their bodies to block a lightning and fire technique from two other shinobi, after which she spun and threw them into random adversaries, not really caring where they landed. A smirk laid on her features, Iyana dashed back into the crowd, dodging blow after blow to reach her many targets and eliminate them with impunity. Damn it was good to be her in those moments. She loved combat, especially now that she was shacked by the empire. After all, it was the only place she could truly let loose.