[b]Name:[/b] Elissa Lily Danvers [b]Age:[/b] Eighteen [b]Appearance:[/b] [IMG]http://memberfiles.freewebs.com/56/89/72838956/photos/undefined/13596394931173285535.GIF[/IMG] [b]History:[/b] Elissa is the youngest twin by four minutes and her brother doesn't ever let her forget it. Even so, he's one of her best friends, despite how often they argue. They've always been very close and even as they grew up, that didn't really change. It was in high school that she met Cara and Caleb met Norris. Most of the time they spent their lunch breaks in their different circle of friends but as they neared their final years, they began to spend more time together - just the four of them. Caleb had always been more popular than Elissa but she didn't really mind. She wasn't the kind of person that had much time for the pretentious and the bitchy and she was sure that she would have made more enemies than friends if she had spent time with the popular crowd. She had always been one to speak her mind. She was a strong person. At least, until she met Jack. In the beginning, things were great. He was the kind of boyfriend she'd always dreamed of having. He was generous and sweet and romantic in all the right ways and she fell for him quickly. Towards the end of their relationship, however, things grew sour. Jack got really jealous all of a sudden, especially because she spent so much time with Norris. He tried to convince her to stop seeing her friends and when she refused, he threatened to end things. She was mostly miserable now but she clung onto the hope that he would change. He'd been so good to her before, she knew it was in him. At a party one night, Jack got really wasted. He accused her of cheating on him and called her all sorts of names. Upset and refusing to be seen crying, Elissa left but Jack followed. He started pushing her around, demanding to know who it was she'd been sleeping with, and when she wouldn't answer him, he hit her. She managed to get home after that and avoided him for a few days but she was frightened. She knew she needed to end things but she was worried about what he would do and how he would react. After much convincing from her friends, she went to see him to get it all over with. Cara and Norris came with her and promised they'd be nearby if she needed them and she made them promise not to tell Caleb how he had been violent because she knew how he'd react. Jack was a completely different person. He cried, begged her to stay and that he'd just been drunk, promised her he would treat her right. It was hard for her to see him like that but she had to remind herself of how he'd treated her. Then, he changed. She saw him begin to get angry and he got aggressive. He lifted his hand to hit her again but Norris appeared and caught his arm before he could. They brought her home and she didn't see him again. It was a couple months later that things between Elissa and Norris began to get more intimate. It was strange how she suddenly saw him as less of a friend and in more of a romantic light. Perhaps it was how he had helped her deal with Jack, she wasn't entirely sure. Now, they're dating and it's so much better. Things are easier with Norris than they ever were with Jack. She's finally happy. Or, mostly happy. There's been a worry in the back of her mind the past couple of weeks that she knows she needs to check but she's doing her best to ignore her mood swings and morning sickness and the slight weight gain that seems to be confined to her belly and chest. She wants to just enjoy the road trip without the worry of anything else...Especially not [i]that.[/i] -- [b]Name:[/b] Caleb Michael Danvers [b]Age:[/b] Eighteen [b]Appearance:[/b] [IMG]http://media-cache-ak0.pinimg.com/236x/1a/8a/39/1a8a391c166bbc41ef0da33f5fe8283d.jpg[/IMG] [b]History:[/b] Caleb had always been an all around good guy. He had always been someone that people just get along with very easily. Charismatic, friendly and those around him found him an easy person to open up to. He didn't make people feel nervous and he rarely felt nervous himself unless there was some sort of problem. He didn't see the sense in worrying his life away too often when he could be spending those moments enjoying it instead. Caleb had always up for a laugh and a good time. If it were up to him there'd be no such thing as work or school and he'd just spend all his time doing what he loves and is passionate about. In his eyes life is too short to spend any amount of time doing things you don't enjoy. He was popular in high school and while he often spent a lot of time in a big crowd of people, Norris was always his closest friend. He knew that a lot of the people he spent time with weren't really his 'friends'. Or at least, that was what Elissa tried to tell him. He supposed she was right, to an extent. He knew that if he were in trouble, these people wouldn't back him up. Not like Norris would. Even so, he enjoyed their company and, if he was being [i]really[/i] honest, the attention they gave him. He joined the football team and dated his fair share of cheerleaders but as they neared their final years in school, Caleb decided he'd had enough of being the popular kid. Of course, he still got invited to all of the parties and people still called out to him in the corridor, but most of his time was spent with his sister and their friends. Part of the reason for this was because Caleb had begun to develop feelings for Cara. Of course, he'd always found her attractive and they would tease each other when they were growing up about getting married so that she and Elissa could be sisters. He never really dreamed of acting on these feelings, however. Cara was Elissa's best friend and he didn't know how she would feel about him suddenly dating her. Elissa was the closest person to him in the world and he didn't want to let her down. But... Feelings slowly developed further when Caleb realized that Cara felt the same way. Somehow their simple friendship developed into something more whenever they were alone. At first, he didn't really think much of it but as things grew more serious, he decided it was time to tell the others but Cara resisted. She didn't want to upset Elissa and Caleb could understand. Even so, it was difficult for him. He didn't keep things from his sister and he wanted to be able to share his happiness. While sneaking around was exciting and different, he wanted to be able to kiss Cara whenever he wanted, or simply take her hand. Things he should be able to do without thinking about. He wants to come clean by the end of the trip but he's still working on convincing Cara. He wont say anything until she agrees. Even telling Norris is difficult now that he's dating Elissa. He doesn't want to put him into a difficult situation, either.