Suppressing a chuckle at the obviously very undignified sound made by the male only moments ago, Viltez chastises himself once more for watching him like that. [i]'If I had called from afar, I would not have startled him so, and he would not have shot so far off the mark. I have heard many a hunter curse at losing their arrows, and. . .Maybe he will not want me to come with now. Now that I've already disturbed a shot. That really was very rude of me. . .I hope he doesn't want me to stay home after that, I really did not meant to startle him. . . .'[/i] His fretting continues even as his guest greets him, stating the obvious while brushing off his near immaculate clothing. He chews his lip, not being able to meet his eyes for several seconds, until at last Aryx makes a statement obviously inviting Viltez to sill accompany him on his hunt. A rush of relief cascades through him and he offers a wide smile, his eyes barely noticing the flush on the man's cheeks and he merrily moves forwards towards the wood. His eyes do however follow him when he runs off and retrieves his arrow. [i]'I am glad he was able to find it so quickly and easily. I was afraid it may have been lost, then I would owe him a new one, no matter what he would have to say about it'[/i] As they slowly approach the forest, the sun still high, but definitely pass the high point, the beast man tilts his head to the side, thinking of how to answer the man's question. [i]'Well, it was not a bad day, however neither was it by any measure better than any other. It was a day, like so many others, passed in a mix of trepidation and contentment, light up points when I completed a task, and relative low points when I was left to think to myself for too long. . .'[/i] Deciding that his life holds no real interest in it, at least not something that may intrigue his guest from another land, he decides on a simple narrative. “Nothing too disagreeable happened, though it was by far not the most agreeable day I've ever had. It was an average in my life, a morning of hard labor, a mid day of errands and odd jobs. I suppose one could call a lack of incident agreeable, though I am not sure how you would judge near misses.” His mind falls back to the lady, and then to his later fears and pondering, falling silent as he thinks. They enter the wood moments later, the sun being almost instantly blocked out by the very thick foliage high above. There are many smaller trees, and on some of the giant trees there are branches leading all the way to the top, but for the most part the trees surrounding the path only have branches high above the heads of any traveler seeking to pass beneath their boughs.