Kiel looks at the food presented to him on the plate and simply chuckles and takes it gratefully before sitting down at the table with s smile. Looking up at the young man he chuckles softly. “Thank you very much, Zach. It looks fine, and it smells divine.” He is telling the truth, much of his first cooking experiences ending as the boy's has, and in the end the food was always eatable, and with the predominant smell properly prepared bacon, the smell is enough to cover up any other scent that may hang in the air. Motioning tot he empty spot across from him Kiel stands only long enough to serve the drinks, then with a soft sigh, retakes his spot and begins consuming the carefully prepared meal. ~~~~*~~~~ The days pass in relative peace, Kiel learning very little about his guest, but being a patient and kind man, he takes solace in the young man's speedy recovery and praises the lord that he does not seem apt to run right back out on to the streets to get revenge or some such silliness. As they pass near a week and Zach is now able to walk more easily, Kiel makes plans to take him away from the church on an outing. Perhaps somewhere with something the boy may wish to draw. He sits down in his spare moments alone away from his duties and while Zach is otherwise occupied, to look over brochures and the newspaper, trying to find a suitable place. It isn't until he comes across an announcement in the paper about the opening of a new cafe in the local aquarium which allows the diners to be almost completely surrounded by fish while they eat that he decides that [b]that[/b] is the place for them. [i]'We can go for a meal, maybe catch a show, pet some animals, which helps in the recovery of the soul, and there are plenty of lovely things for him to sketch should he want to sit and rest at any time'[/i] Looking out the back window to where once more the young man sits peacefully in the priest's small garden Kiel lets out a happy sigh. [i]'I can not wait to tell him'[/i] He twirls around, heading towards the door with long strides. His mind goes to preparations, it being only a few hours into the morning they can go this very day. [i]'I should pull out bag for him to carry his papers in. I do not want him to have to carry them in hand the entire time. I really think this will be good for him'[/i] Chuckling at the thought of watching one of the many animal shows with the young man filling him with a delight he does not recognize. Having mostly given up his own childhood to preserve those of others, this simple childish happiness is quite foreign to him. As he comes around the house he stands still until he is sure the young man is no longer in need of great focus before making himself known. With a light cough he steps out and waits for Zach to meet his eye. His eyes sparkle with delight not only at the news he has to deliver, but also for the sight of undamaged flesh on the young man. [i]'He recovered quickly. I am so glad he is this resilient. It gives me hope for other parts in his life'[/i] He has not pressed for information from the young man, sensing that to not be the right track for Zach's type, but it does not stop him from being curious. Brushing that aside however he smiles brightly. “I have planned a trip for us, if you are up for it. I would like to go today, unless you would rather wait. I assure you, it's away from any trouble I can think of. You will be safe there. You can even bring your drawing materials! I am sure you can find something there it spark your creative genius!” Having only seen his drawings at a distance, Kiel can still say with confidence that the young man is talented.