[quote=Jester Acharis] I think I'd be siding with Light, actually. Mirai Nikki's about trying to survive while offing others. [/quote] That's not exactly correct. Many of the characters in Mirai Nikki don't want to kill and are motivated by entirely different reasons. I think you may have missed the point of the show and got too caught up in the action. :P [quote=Jester Acharis]If all the players are working as a team to defeat NPC/PC villains, how exactly does the rp differ from any general "let's form a group and go after the baddies on an epic quest rp!"? [/quote] I'm not sure what you're trying to say here. Do you think that Light's way will be breaking the mold? A revolutionary RP experience? [quote=Jester Acharis]Not to mention that it would make no sense, plot-wise. The diary holders are supposed to kill each other, and only one can win. Why would a group of them team up to kill off the other half? [/quote] Plot wise: How many people do you think would really be 100% A-OK with killing someone? Only the epitome of a Mary-Sue would dive into a Battle Royale no questions asked. The characters wouldn't TEAM UP TO KILL BAD GUYS. They would be allies, perhaps having already known one another before the start of the game. [quote=Jester Acharis]Why would this other half be "bad guys" any more than they are? We would be the ones doing the killing, after all. [/quote] The Antagonists would be motivated by different things. They wouldn't necessary be "bad" guys. [quote=Jester Acharis]And if out characters have no problem offing those other people, why wouldn't they backstab each other?[/quote] I wouldn't imagine our characters would have no issues killing someone. The game would be psychologically challenging for them. Additionally, they would of course be afraid of each other. It's a possibility someone could back stab them. [quote=Jester Acharis]Not to mention, it would take away the constantly lingering threat of your character dying if you/they make a mistake. Mirai Nikki without the fear of death is... kinda bland?[/quote] Don't be ridiculous. Even if we were to do it Light's way there would be no real "lingering threat of your character dying". We all know no one is going to allow their character to die willy nilly which is exactly why it's much better to have our group be allies. [quote=MercuryHg34] I would like to join this RP too. I do like the sound of Light's idea more, but I do see the problem with the other characters involved being synced up properly. My suggestion is that perhaps the character involved in the killing of whoever has the dead end could get a pm with a small hint of what the victim's diary said, but not exactly what it said.For example, let's go back to "You die on the 5th floor of a nearby apartment building". Now the GM would also PM the player he believes is most capable of actually fulfilling this entry and giving them a hint along the lines of "You'll find (victim) somewhere near this apartment building" and then leave it up to that player to try fulfilling that entry as best they can without knowing exactly how to do it, that way they must figure it out and that gives the victim the chance to try changing their future and avoiding the dead end altogether.Also, just as a story element it may be possible that some players will purposely reveal their dead-ends for whatever reason of their own accord. [/quote] This would mean the story could only ever be progressed when BioHazard is online. This would also mean BioHazard would have to take quite a lot of responsibility, even for a GM. I think it's a pretty unrealistic thing to ask of him/her.