Character Sheets: Name: Inigo Malzahar Generation: 9th Generation Clan: Tremere Disciplines: + Auspex + Dominate + Thaumaturgy -Path of Mercury -Path of the Father's Vengeance -Prey on the Soul's Fear Personality: Inigo moves in his own ways, often times in apparent contradictions and illusions of aid and help offered to those around him. To those that have only met him, he is a curiosity and oddity, with an apparent inability to simply speak plainly and clearly, always dancing around a subject for the apparent sake of his own amusement. This maddening habit of his has often driven people off or made them vastly underestimate the Tremere Vampire, all of which was to his own personal plans and schemes. But they need not know this, and unless one gets to know the vampire, one only sees the maddening, albeit relatively harmless, scholar mage of the Tremere clan wandering about, doing his own thing. The truth is far more shockingly clear, both in his own thought process and his goals. Inigo manipulates his foes, and the foes of the Tremere and Camarilla in general, without bloodying his own hands. He hides behind his words and his apparently unassuming demeanor, gathering a disturbing amount of information, both with and without his Disciplines, and can be found plotting and scheming in his abode. Indeed, such round about and indirect methods of conflict suit Inigo, however, others are rarely so patient with the apparently mad vampire and his methods, taking the information and acting on it without waiting for Inigo, and often times failing because of a missed key point that further analysis would have revealed. Inigo relies on this scholarly, studious mentality when dealing with those that deserve to see past the facade he maintains, focused on his information network and his research into further applications of Tremere Thaumaturgy and mixing of paths, especially when it comes to breaking his foes, he finds a morbid fascination with how a being reacts to being forcefully confronted with that which they fear the most and so man times break down in the face of such things, but he often keeps such opinions to himself, saving such dark commentary for when he has broken another fool who crossed him, his work, the Tremere or the Camarilla. Biography: Born into a family of scholars, who resided within Spain, Inigo could claim to have no real hardship in his early life, exploring both the realms of knowledge and magic, fascinated by the rituals and power that was fabled to be brought about by such things. Raised to revere knowledge and its tenants as sources of great power, he would leave home at a young age, for the never ending pursuit of knowledge, of those known, unknown, lost and forbidden, no such things would keep him from delving deeper into many a sane and maddening text at the same time. All this would lead up to his first encounter with his future Sire. Inigo has long since forgotten her name, but he remembers the meetings clearly in his mind, memories of better days. He was a mortal still, and crossed paths with the Tremere woman, although he had no idea what he was getting himself into. Forbidden knowledge, ancient power, all offered up in a package that would have tempted any sane, grounded being. And Inigo was hardly grounded or sane by that point in time, forbidden tomes and knowledge tended to have that effect on the merely mortal mind, no matter how potent or effective it might prove to be in such acts. His madness and sheer drive for knowledge impressed the Vampiress, who quickly garnered the permission necessary to Embrace the mad scholar Inigo. He didn't see it coming, but the Embrace and binding with the Clan elders had a stabilizing effect on his mindset, but he was still unstable at best at times for a long while, as he grew more mature, so did his control over such madness, although it often remained as a cover for when dealing with other beings. Such madness sometimes took charge early on, and memories of his Sire both tutoring him, and restraining him, were frequent and intermixed at times. The two eventually parted ways, once Inigo was stable, though the reason why now eludes the vampire scholar, who assumes there is a very real reason that he can't remember when he can recall other events with such clarity. While he resolved to figure it out one day, he had more pressing matters at hand as he advanced further in his clan standing, finding himself an information broker and seeker for the Camarilla, often times going well out of his way to accomplish this goal, developing his insane, round about manner of doing work, much to the aggravation of the less patient, some warrior clans came to mind here, but he did not seem to mind. He was thriving on such things in his unlife, and he gladly kept at it. But his own goals and plans were hardly forgotten, even if others would believe they were, and he has the means to seek them out now. Appearance: [hider=Image][img=][/hider] Equipment: Colt M1911A1, [url=]Silver edged Sword cane[/url], $222 Cash, Cellphone, notepad and pen