Izari couldn't deny that a part of him felt satisfaction with the killing of the enemy nin and mercenaries the savage ways he had done and he was willing to use his more powerful techniques to kill his enemies. He had twelve tentacles wrap their coils around a dozen of his foes' necks and with one spinning motion of his body, Izari made the tentacles snap each of the shinobi's necks and successfully killed them. He wanted to up the body count and got in the middle of at least two hundred shinobi. He was now going to use his more deadly attacks and Izari smiled. "Impaling Tentacles!" he shouted and then several dozen smaller tentacles shot forth from his body with an extremely sharp edge on each end of a tentacles. The tentacles went out in any direction where there was a shinobi and each tentacle impaled a ninja through the chest, piercing the heart directly. The shinobi gave screams of agony as they died in a very painful way and he kept going with his deadly attacks. " Earth Tentacle Spear!" and with those words, his tentacles became harder than stone and he had them slam and bash his opponents about with savage fury. He didn't let his tentacles have all of the fun, Izari grasped both of his sickles in his hands and he began move about a incredibly fast speeds, slashing at any foe that came within distance of his Kama. Pretty soon, he was standing in the blood of countless enemies brutally killed by his Tentacles of Horror and his Kama. Izari looked towards the others to see how they were fairing in these kinds of battle. He was very impressed with Remi's great power, and then he noticed that Iyana had joined the battle. Izari remembered briefly but he did know that she was rather defiant and he hoped that she would keep that side of her personality only to herself, Izari could only guess what the punishment was for insulting the Empress. He hoped that they weren't having too much trouble dealing with the enemy otherwise he would have to help them.