What was going on? Was her aura of discomfort not strong enough to repel this loudmouthed assailant? Or maybe this faunus was too thick-skinned or something else to realize that Prue was uncomfortable with the amount of people around, or rather just people in general. None of this would be relevant due to the girl's response however. The girl barraged Prue with harmless, optimistic, compliments and good-feels, this outcome was of course unexpected. Prue simply stared at the fox-girl with widened eyes that seemed distressed by the whole speech, how was she supposed to respond? There was like, so many things going on in what she said, Prue didn't even know where to start. Maybe the last question she asked? Pulling the tie towards her face to further investigate what was so special about it, the "knife girl" shot an unsure glance back at the fox girl and responded. "[i]Hello Li. Prudence Nella... That's what I am named.. Thank you for complimenting my attire, and yes, I'll also be departing down to the forest. Some of the more cowardly passengers will probably chicken out, hopefully I gather my wits and don't fall in with them. A flying fortress wouldn't be too difficult to find, a large structure floating in the sky would probably be visible from above the canopy of the forest. You look strong, you probably have higher odds out there than myself, though if you don't make it I'm not sure what you'll do either. And I was sitting by myself because I'm not good with people. [/i]" Prue's face almost seemed to grimace after her own speech, looking to Li with an almost frightened expression that would almost say "[b]Please don't hurt me[/b]" but in reality it was saying "[b]I'm trying so hard to have a real conversation with a person, please work, oh please work[/b]." But after she calmed down, the girl seemed normal once again. Prue continued to investigate her tie, the compliment really got to her, the whole outfit she wore was a parting gift from her father. It felt pretty good that her dad actually had an idea of what the girl liked when it came to clothes. The boar faunus on the ship continued to unsettle the girl however, she'd constantly fire a glance towards the intimidating looking fellow and his ranting, bloodthirsty, scariness. "[i]That man over there. What do you think about him?[/i]" Prue asked Li, her face pressing closer to the fox girl as if trying to conceal her words.