Arthur listened to the comments made by his Squad. And it seemed like hunting down the Orcs was the popular option. "Five miles isn't that far so lets get on the move, everyone be ready for the wolf and stay on your toes, we don't want to be the ones to fall into a trap." He said getting up and ready to move out. "As for your question Astiroth I didn't choose the squad, you were assigned to me, even then now isn't the time to talk about it. Come along, our prey are hunters themselves so they will be staying downwind of their pray. So in following their path, we should be able to ambush them as long as we are careful. But that means we must keep our eyes open, they might of set traps for prey or followers. Now lets get moving when we get closer we will fan out and strike with a pincer attack." He ordered while starting to follow the tracks. "Now Decado I am counting on you and your eagle to keep us from falling into a trap. Everyone lets move out and finish this quickly." He added while following the tracks ready to take down the Orcs. It took the group about an hour to catch up to the Orcs. And that was only because the Orcs had stopped to rest Arthur silently gave the orders to spread out and strike from the sides splitting the group in three. The first group made up of Rafael and Astiroth were to attack from the right side, while the second group of Kiena and Decado were to strike from the left side, Finally Arthur and Riki were to strike from behind in a three pronged pincer attack. The four orcs sat around a small fire eating what looked like the remains of a deer and the massive wolf sat near one of the orcs who seemed to be its handler chewing on some bone from one of their kills. The strike would have to be made quickly as even with the element of surprise the Orcs could easily overpower the group if allowed to prepare themselves for battle. Arthur his behind a tree waiting for the ambush to start. He looked over at Riki and motioned for her to attack the Orc with its back turned to them once the battle started as Arthur would move after the one facing the two of them. Everything was ready and the attack was about to start, everything was on the opening attack to be made from the archer's on the sides.