(Unfortunately for Candy, lip reading was one of the things Ras had to learn before getting accepted to work at a lab of freak children.) Candy's heart was broken. Angel wanted nothing to do with her. She really aught to kill that mind-reader boy for spilling the beans. But, she was just a little girl. How the hell was she supposed to kill anyone with such an innocent, little body? She had no physical strength. She was too weak to hurt anyone. Yes, she could make poison. If only all the ingredients weren't still at the lab... Candy sighed. Not like it would do any good anyway. Angel knew her secret too, and, by the looks of it, the girl was a blabbermouth, she'd probably tell everyone by morning. Just then, she realized that boy was crouching down, calling her the cutest little thing while staring right at her. Candy blushed, slightly. She was only wearing shorts after all. But, she did nothing to cover herself. She just gave him a big grin. "Candy. My name's Candy. I really like to eat candy."