Darkness. There was nothing but darkness surrounding Heihachi as he was deep in meditation. Exhaling slowly the darkness would chip away like the rust of an aged metal. With each inhale; colors bursted into his head. The smell of rubble and destruction was fresh in his nostrils. Heihachi was old enough to be anyone’s grandfather and had been one of the few to have luckily survived through the countless wars faced by the Shinobi world. Was it luck? Heihachi was never one to believe in luck or chance he believe in absolutes. It was no gift to have survived that long in the shift of powers, he had lost more friends than he could count. However, even with the tyrannical rule of the Empress since her rise, the villages had been at its most peaceful despite the daily crimes and murders. The world was a dark place, and the tension between the rebellion and the Empire was slowly making its way to the cusp of breaking. While Heihachi was no saint he did not settle himself to serving the tyrant nor the side that was dubbed the “winning” side. Heihachi was bred from underdogs and hard work that is where he would die. Not on his knees, but on his feet. It was time to leave his training ground. Heihachi had a dangerously ominous feeling that war would break out soon. The feeling loomed over him like a dark cloud above his head. If the rebellion were to fight back, it would be a slaughter. While they had very powerful ninja, the empire was in control with the possession of the Bijuu. However the rebels did possess the strongest Bijuu of them all, yet the nine tails was locked inside of a very young girl. Still naive to the world. Regardless Heihachi would protect all of which needed help. The weak will always stay weak, but that is what makes them strong. They are looked over and yet will do anything to win, enough to surprise the resistance. With one strong exhale, Heihachi opened his eyes and sucked in the world around him before kicking himself up onto both legs. His next assignment was to find his young senju disciple, Arano. He was the exact opposite in terms of power to Heihachi, but it allowed for better training and learning experiences for each other. Heihachi was still infinitely stronger due to his experience and expertise in his field. What did bother Heihachi was the fact that the Empire had coveted a young Senju who was separated from her people/clan. If he had one mission to accomplish after living through this war, it was to rescue that one girl. Heihachi descended from the hills of Konohagakure until he eventually found himself in the heart of Konohagakure. Heihachi was famous amongst elders and even the youngsters. He was quite the legend due to his age. He walked past a few ramen shops wondering if he would encounter anyone he knew, while he was in search of Arano. Still unsteady with the aura surrounding him, Heihachi continued with his senses heightened.