White noise...glorious background music. That was all the jinchuriki could hear amongst the screams as she moved from one mercenary to the next. She stood still when she felt her clone jump, hands in the snake hand seal. The hornet clone jumped off of her shoulders into a tuck while the original held down a large mass of the mercenaries with her paralyzing lightning chakra. The clone held up the tiger hand sign and they both called out in unison, "Coming of the Lightning Fire Pheonix!" The clone released a massive wave off fire, igniting an explosion in the vicinity and incinerating those caught in the four meter blast zone. Along the fringes, others still suffered burns up to two meters away due to the release of heat. The hornet landed lightly on her summoner's shoulders, still in her "Remi" form. "I'm getting bored." Remi said to her friend. The hornet laughed a little bit and sat on her shoulder, balance perfectly kept. "Let us finish this then, yes? Show them why the Mitarashi name should be feared." Remi hummed but nodded once in acceptance. The two sped of, Remi on the ground and Odiah in the trees. The young jonin made two hand signs with one hand while Odiah unraveled a scroll. Two sets of strung senbon were dropped to Remi, who caught them in her free hand. She held one between her pinky and ring finger while she threw one in the middle of a crowded clearing, rife with another mass of enemies. She then shifted the other and threw it towards the front of the group. At the same time, Odiah threw her senbon at a man towards the back of the group as well as next to Remi's in the middle on the opposite side. Remi and Odiah then pulled them together to create a crossing box of wire. Remi anchored hers in a tree, creating a conducting link at she twisted the wires around each other. A few of the soldiers tried to warn their comrades of the senbon while others started to look for the assailants. Remi circled around in time for her Hornet summon as she finished her preparations. "Dragon Fire Technique!" Odiah called from her position in the trees. A brilliant jet of fire followed a line of wire before it split into two. The massive, bright orange-red attack engulfed a good half of the men in the clearing and seemed to jump from body to body. Once it hit the middle a few seconds later, the fire raced along Remi's senbon anchored wire. The horrified front of the army pocket could only stare down their own demise in the form of two more jets of fire on either side of them. The back half had turned to run from the flames, only to be funneled by another two lines planted by the clone. "False Darkness." Were the last words that they'd heard. Remi preformed the jutsu she'd prepared and charged earlier. A large spear of lightning formed in front of her open mouth before she released it. The spear split into 8 smaller, but still large spears and lanced through the crowd. It was nothing short of a masscre as the smell of burning, burnt, and smoldering bodies and cloth rose from the clearing. Remi took in a deep breath as her hornet clone dropped next to her, she'd since moved from her perch to stay out of firing range. "You ok?" the human cloaked hornet asked. "Smells bad. Is our assistance required elsewhere?" she asked. "Rest for a bit. I'll go check." the hornet said before she released her clone self. Now as a full Hornet, she flew over the burning remains to check the rest of the battlefield. Remi sat down to take a break small rest. Her mind was tapped due to the creativity these last three or so mass engagements required. Within her mind, Gyuuki was calming her to keep her from freaking out.