Gloom. All there was, was darkness. It was night in the desert and it was cold, Magnus and the horse shambled through the almost pitch black abyss, slowly moving through the thick night air. Magnus exhaled with a shudder and his eyes popped open, he could see his breath, a ghostly white in the faint illumination of the stars and that is when the cold got to him. He started to shiver violently, clutching himself and the reins for warmth, the sweat that had drenched him in the day was cooling down to feel like fridged lakes in his armor. His leg was on fire, the wound from the arrow growing more intense with every passing moment, the undeniable urge to scratch it for front in his mind. "infected." he hissed through clenched teeth as his shambles turned to a limp and as he leaned on the mare for more support, once he leaned he noticed something sticking out of the saddle bag, so in his curiosity he pulled it out, It was a dagger and a note. He pulled on the reins gently and the horse started to slow down to a stop, where it carefully moved down to rest on the floor, it's legs tucked beneath it's body like a hen. Magnus slowly slipped down to the floor and rested his back on the mare, his legs out stretched infront of him, one a tattered mess, the other a bandaged tattered mess. He sighed deeply and unrolled the note. 'Darius, I can't afford to keep Lelana, I just don't have the money, haven't fed her in days. I need you to get her over to the slaughter house in Damascus, I need the money more then she needs the food. John.', Magnus crinkled the note and leaned back against Lelana apparently. He felt light headed all of a sudden and the world started to spin, where there was shadows things seemed to creep out if them and they came towards him, human like in shape but featureless and black like the night sky one came to with in inches of his face, they could have been breathing the same air if it weren't for the fact he felt no breath on his face. It looked down at his chest then back up at him and kept looking for a moment, something about it was oddly comforting to Magnus, so he extended his hand to touch it. Instead of being touched it dived head first into his chest and Magnus started to convulse in pain, throwing himself around and screaming blood curdling screams, then he went silent, unconscious.  He stood, his back to an immense a city,  his arms folded over a hilt of a sword that was planted in the ground. People started to march from the distance, naked and a voice called from the sky, "to impart judgement unto man truth is needed and no man, woman or child will ever always impart unto you the truth, only the beasts of the sky, the sea and the earth will ever tell the truth, for I have created them as such." "are you awake?" asked a voice from the darkness, suddenly everything came into focus. His body was rising and falling softly to the sound of horse clopping along, he opened his eyes and looked around, he was on the back of Lelana and infront of them was Damascus, "are you alright?". He looked around for the source of the voice, "um, hello?" he looked forward to see Lelana looking at him, "are you there?" the words came from her muzzle like silk, soft and light. Magnus just stared blankly at her for a few seconds and passed out again.