OK, I think I have my CS. Panquake, please notify me if there´s any shortcomings. (sorry for bad art, I couldn´t find what I wanted so I had to draw it) [hider=CS] [img=https://fbcdn-sphotos-h-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xpf1/v/t34.0-12/10529623_1432870053665250_138561375_n.jpg?oh=3c44ab1eb124c375bc9d9b9cd598b5ab&oe=53B55909&__gda__=1404407193_2e6c5a530fa63938d13defc2ad29e89f] Name: Puafria Aupa (last name, then first) Age: Somewhere between 20 and 23 Gender: Female, but indifferent to having specific pronouns or the like used. He, she and they are all fine. Nickname: not applicable. ¨My name is Aupa. That´s all.¨ Race: Human Skills: Handwork, like sewing clothes or spinning wool (although as of late she can only see out of one eye and has since stopped making clothes by hand, excepting when there´s a necessity). She can't cook, however, something she learned independently on attempting to make herself [i]breakfast[/i] at age 4. Further, she´s short and slight and thus fast on her feet, which has proven extremely useful when running from the many dangers the Weeping World has to offer. Profession: Born after the Worldbane´s destruction into the Weeping World, Aupa´s occupation has been working for the next breath of air, rather than currency. Her family sustained her until recently. Religion: Raised to believe in all sorts of gods, Aupa will proclaim to herself and to anyone listening the stupidity of organized religion. However, she has often found herself saying subconsciously ¨Icthus protect me¨ when running from beast and man alike. Equipment: Simple cloth robes, ripped at the hem and replaced from there with pants to allow for more mobility, a wooden staff (though it serves more as a safety blanket than a weapon, as it´s not her focus and she´s not skilled in hand to hand combat.) Personality: Aupa is generally relatively reserved, although she becomes sincere, loyal and friendly once she´s warmed up to someone. She is generous with her affections, because they have never been rejected or betrayed. Aupa has a knack for saying precisely the wrong thing in any situation, and for making horrible, really God awful puns. Backstory: Aupa grew up in a small fragmented family in which members were constantly disappearing, and the only constant was her mother, who had been doing extensive research regarding Magi and the process of Archtonement. When Aupa was (roughly) of age, her mother introduced to her the idea that she become a mage. The power, her mother knew, would serve her well in the dangerous world. What had not been predicted however, was that Aupa would finally choose the elemental Chasm of decay. This was seen by Aupa´s community as an evil ability, and the confused young woman was chased away to fend for herself before she could ´bring harm to anyone´ (though that had never been her intention). Additional Info: The scar on Aupa´s face, if it was too prominent, should be nothing of note. It has no significance to the story, it was given to her in a bandit raid she wasn´t so quick to escape from. Chasm: decay, or death. Sacrifice: The left eye. Focus: The eye´s replacement, a clumsily smithed silver sphere with a scarlet circle in lieu of an iris.[/hider]