[b]"Yes, let's leave at sundown. I'll wait for you in "The Tired Traveler" inn, it's just around the next corner, to the right, you won't miss it."[/b] Kyron took his mug of ale and gulped it all down in one go as he stood up. He buckled Fate and Resilience back on his back, looking just how he came in. [b]"Just make sure those clowns over there won't send anyone to follow you."[/b] Kyron said nodding towards the infiltrated Court members. He picked up his helmet from the table and bowed towards Atina before walking out from where he came from. He headed right for the stables to where Loyalty was and untied her, leading her out of the stables, along the road. [b]"Let's go visit a friend first ok Loyalty?"[/b] Kyron climbed on the black Charger's back and patted his shoulder to tell her that she can go. In a couple of minutes, they arrived to another tavern, "The Smoky Ale". He jumped off Loyalty and left her outside. Inside the tavern it was very dark, with just a couple of lanterns lighting the front room, which had only barred windows. Everyone turned to Kyron when he entered, but he didn't look that interesting, so everyone turned back t their own business. "Well well well. Who do I see here if not the ol' dumb swan-knight! I thought you'd be dead by now! Are you still jumpin' in front of swords and arrows?" Said a slightly fat, bearded man sitting at one of the tables. The man stood up and hugged Kyron, patting him forcefully on the back. [b]"Hello Merek, nice to see you're fine too, how's your family? I heard you managed to set up quite a good business empire here"[/b] Both men sat down at the table. Merek shouted over to the tavern keeper to bring two large mugs of ale and turned back to the paladin with a smile. "Well yes, I can't complain. I got a new toddler recently, we called 'im Terrowin. Strong boy he is! Everything has been going great, I recently got word that a caravan was attacked in the desert, there seem to be no survivors sadly. I tend to forget how dangerous the life of a merchant actually is. If you wouldn't have been there that day, I'd have surely died, or sold as a slave to the Southern Kingdoms." The tavern keeper arrived with the mugs and put them in front of the two men. "How about you, what brought you back to Damascus? A nice lady heh?" [b]"Not exactly, I am still on business here, the Haze I told you about some time back, well they even got into the guild. I need your help, I trust you more than anyone in this town. I need you to take us out of here without anyone noticing, just far enough to be reasonably safe from unwanted eyes. I can pay…"[/b] The smile on Merek's face faded, his lips tightened and his face showed determination. "Kyron, you hurt me. I'd never accept money from you. I owe you everything. Yes, I can help you with it. Don't you worry my old friend, Merek has got it all under control. I'll go take you myself. This tavern is probably the safest place to pick you up. I'll meet you in a couple of hours, when its dark." Merek and Kyron stood up. [b]"Thank you friend, I knew I could count on you"[/b] "You'd do the same. But I want on thing in exchange, after this is over though, we will sit down right here and you tell me what you've been doing all this time. Then you will find a wife and who knows, maybe we can go a bit around the world as well. It would do me good!" Merek slapped his stomach and laughed very heartily which just made Kyron laugh as well. Both men walked out of the Tavern, where they shook hands and went their own ways. Kyron climbed back up on Loyalty and leaned close to his ear. [b]"I really hope that old man won't get into any trouble, lets go get him the gift"[/b] With that Loyalty set off on the streets of Damascus, while the sun was starting to hide behind the buildings.