Chiron's tail swatted back and forth, as though agitated by something. "Ariel, I realize that you intentions are pure and wanting to, but please alert the Councilors of each cabin that they are to report to the Big House in one hour. I fear that the camp may be in danger. Until then, do as I asked and stay inside your cabins until the investigation is over. It is for the campers' safety." Zula was still a little dumbfounded. As a Councilor she'd go to the meeting, but still, something was weird. Zula went back to her Cabin, her 'friends' already chittering about what it could be. "Someone stole Chiron's music!" one camper suggested. He was only a little younger than Zula. "No, no, someone stole all the pegasi." another shouted. She was eleven. "That's silly, I bet that Thalia's tree is acting wonky. I heard that someone spotted a stray Hellhound in camp." another girl chimed in, the worry in her voice clear. Zula broke the tension. "Then how come we haven't been attacked?" There were no answers. "I'm going to the meeting now. Try to stay in the Cabin. The bathroom needs to be cleaned, act like there's going to be an inspection." with that, Zula walked out of the Cabin and towards the Big House. [i]I hope it isn't anything horrible... like Thalia's tree giving out...[/i]