Falkon, well the Laws of Magic the Fellowship's "rulebook" was written by the first Elder Council. The Accords which are basically magic Geneva Conventions were co-written by Oberon. I have a basic understanding of the Fae, and I know that neither of the Courts are wholly good or evil but have morality that can't really be understood by mortals. I'm trying to draw this RP's version of the Fae from various sources so if I have any questions I'll ask. So far what I have in mind is that the Fae used to be united under Oberon but after his mysterious absence the Fae split into the Winter and Summer courts with Titania and Mab left as Queens of the Seelie and Unseelie respectively. If I have any questions I'll definitely ask. LeeRoy, As I said before Aliens do not yet exist in this RP. Any discovery of the Extraterrestrial would be a monumental event and that hasn't happened as of yet.