After discussing the completed submitted sheets with Gowi, we have passed verdicts on the following: [quote=Roman][b]| Identity |[/b] [indent]John 'Constantine' Constantine[/indent][/quote] [quote=Zacharius][b]| Identity |[/b] [indent]Yara, Yasmin Starr, Power Girl[/indent][/quote] [quote=Byrd Man][b]| Identity |[/b] [indent]Jonah Hex[/indent][/quote] [quote=Hound55][b]| Identity |[/b] [indent]Originally Charles Szasz, now Vic Sage (with alternate identity The Question – also known as “No-face”)[/indent][/quote] [quote=Bounce][b]| Identity |[/b] [indent]Lor-Zod(Superboy)[/indent][/quote] [CENTER][IMG][/IMG][/CENTER] However, I hate to be... [center][img][/img][/center] but... [quote=Kingfisher][b]| Identity |[/b] [indent]Duela[/indent][/quote] Kingfisher, Gowi and I talked at lengths about your Duela sheet and ultimately we've decided that we're not willing to accept it as is. We found the back story to be illogical as most organized crime certainly wouldn't recruit a snitch, and they especially would not promote a snitch to the position of a lieutenant. Snitches are known for doing one thing, and as such they're extremely untrustworthy. Additionally the later part of the back story feels very contrived, especially given the circumstances of Duela's 'rise to power'. How did killing an assassin suddenly allow her to take charge of the street gangs? A further question I might also pose is that, despite blind luck how did a girl who was likely malnourished and suffering from the symptoms of withdrawal manage to evade and stalk a professional killer? A rather minor point, we were both rather baffled with the girl's self mutilation, while I understand cutting herself at one point you talk about her entire body having had a blade stuck under it. Not only would this potentially be incredibly harmful if not down right fatal as they're some places on the body that you just can't get away with that but the blood loss and other side effects would be horrendous. Since Duela is also a Gotham criminal, and one I assume you intend to have interact with its heroes perhaps including even the Batman, Gowi and I thought it was a little odd there was no mention of Batman within the sheet. Especially since Batman basically changed Gotham, along with that the CS does very little to align to the timeline all the while mentioning Duela remained a teenager yet not giving us any real indication of how much time had passed. I understand villains have more appeal when their back stories have that vague aura to them but based on what she's accomplished and the outlook provided through the CS it strikes me as odd that neither Batman or the events that have taken place in Gotham haven't affected Duela. To conclude we're not flat out rejecting the character but asking that you make some revisions with the above in mind. If I might make a suggestion in terms of her self mutilation, look into George Foyet from Criminal Minds. His self mutilation took a purpose in that he covered his body in scar tissue which slightly increased his durability. I like the idea of really making Duela an urban gritty villain, but we feel the current backstory doesn't portray that in a way that doesn't seem forced and unnatural.